Okay, MS Paint, here I come! I'm assuming that this is taking place in the Milky Way. Correct me if I'm wrong, Mattmanganon. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE MAKE A BETTER MAP IF ANYBODY HAS THE SKILL TO DO SO. [hider=Milky Way Galaxy (unblemished)] Here's this for claiming spaces. [img=http://i589.photobucket.com/albums/ss335/noortekeskus/milky-way3.jpg?t=1240506754] [url=http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/Milky_Way_Annotated.jpg]5600 x 5600 version, preferred[/url][/hider] Here's what I need from people: |Civilization Name: |Preferred Color (which you may not get): |Second Color: |System Name: |Location: (angle); (distance) [these are estimations; distance is in intervals of 5,000LY on the map, angles at intervals of 10 degrees] [repeat for all systems] ex: |Civilization Name: Kerbal Interstellar Program |Preferred Color (which you may not get): Red |Second Color: Black |System Name: Kerbol |Location: 269; 23,000 LY Alternatively, go into MS Paint and edit your civ into that map! --- PS: Galaxies are very, very big.