Snow had been paying attention, for the most part. He had no questions throughout the lecture, except for spell casting, but that would've cost him. He was really intent on the lesson, until the weapons were scattered across the ground. Naturally, Snow's first choice would've been the staff, but it was someone else's first pick, as well. The bookend looked interesting, but it wasn't his thing, and someone took it. His only decent choice was... "I've read how to use on of these..." he said, picking up the bow and arrows. He tested it out, and began firing a few empty practice shots at the wall. When he turned to look at the group, he saw them, in a field, already engrossed in fighting imps. "Ah crap." he muttered wondering how he spent so much time just trying to pick a weapon. "Hey guys, here I come!" He ran a decent way into the field, but stopped several feet from an untouched imp, and shot an arrow right at it.