[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmEwOWM5Yy5SVzVrY21FZ1RXOTRaWGssLjA,/labrint.demo.png[/img][/center] [center]a.k.a[/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmZmZmZi5WbVZ6Y0dWeS4wAAAA/edyra.demo.png[/img][/center] Gender: Male Age: 18 [center]“What is most pressing right now, is the simple lack of education your era seems to present itself. It’s most vexing to know the person I am speaking to might be a common fool.”[/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/i3eKdb/dhampir8.jpg[/img][/center] There’s something about Endra that doesn’t quite add up. Even if he were disguised, he wasn’t disguised very well. His dress sense and his choice of vocabulary gives him a dead giveaway sometimes that he’s not from around here. Or from anywhere really. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly where Endra comes from, his disguise oddities end up aiding him in the confusion. When Endra is not heroeing or cleaning up residual energy of magic, he’s an eighteen year old who likes coffee and criticizing Tranquil city. With shoulder length, raven colored hair, his choice of ordinary clothing tends to be very Bohemian, though very loosely in that sense some people point out. It’s more exotic and he almost looks like he’s trying to compete with a completely different era of fashion. Some compare his look to that of a previous generation Boy George, especially that Chameleon music video. With a long sweater coat, odd colored pants often with stripes, and a ton of accessories that are not needed. Flowy tops, flowy scarves, clanging bracelets. People might get the wrong impression of Endra sometimes because of it. Blue irises, there’s something not right about them, like perhaps they are eye contacts and actually he’s not that tall. At 5’5”, 165cms, and 115lbs, 52kg, he’s not exactly intimidatingly tall, but it’s all in his wolfish stare that makes him look like perhaps he’s trying to hunt you down. Or at least daydreaming about the many ways he could curse and hex you. “There’s so much questionable about your attire right now,” “There is so much questionable about the world you live in, like Eggplant Emoji, and-” makes a disgusted looking face “-what you wear makes me entirely vomit in my mouth. The lack of actual style in your culture is a pity and a shame.” You could easily peg Endra from England, his heavy accent would suggestion such a thing. Though there are ways he pronounces words that make his accent sound much younger than that. Younger as in perhaps the earlier usages of English. Though he’s been told to just say Yes, when someone ask if he’s from England advice from his Mother. The tone of his voice is light and quite pleasant to listen to. If only he used his voice for positive reasons, most of the time what you’ll hear out of the melody like voice is insults or complaints. He walks with a gait that is fluent and elegant, which also probably throws people off. As they aren’t quite use to prince like mannerisms in this day and age. Uniform - Endra may manifest his robes with magic. A black cloak with feathers at the shoulder, a blue brooch that sparkles with magic. He takes out his contacts to reveal his red eyes that he keeps disguised. His raven black hair is longer than what it was before, but he looks a lot more like the Dark Arts partition of Obscuria now than he did before. Personality: Endra doesn’t really give off the right impressions sometimes. He often comes off like a spoiled brat, as his favorite pastime is to criticize or complain about things. Though those who know Endra’s circumstance begin to understand why he does so. While he comes off quite collected, in control of his emotions, without any outburst he can be quite homesick sometimes. He has to learn a new culture, a new way of life, and complaining about this new life makes him stave off the isolation he feels sometimes. The isolation of not understanding why things are done the way they are done. Endra still tries his utmost to be polite and respectful, he doesn’t insult others, unless he cannot takes them seriously at all. An idiot should recognize they are an idiot and probably stop trying to impress others who can already tell his intelligence is a facade to shallowness. About shallowness sometimes Endra’s own flamboyance comes off as pretty boy shallowness. Though Endra is use to a certain way of life, his sophistication and etiquette comes off in our time as flamboyant, metrosexual vanity. While where he comes from that’s the signature of a gentleman chivalry. Endra’s dress up isn’t because he wants to be the most notable, pretty boy of the turn of the century. Endra’s dress up is an important essential key to his expression of his culture. Part of his culture is his identity. With that said Endra has positive qualities about him, he’s not a hard headed loner as some would think. He does work well in a team and in his home Obscuria he would have been praised for his strategic and tactical thinking. He’s good at assessing a groups weaknesses and strengths, being able to work them together into a cohesive plan. Not that Endra is a stickler on plans, but if need be a play it by ear approach isn’t working Endra can work in plans. He ironically can be selfless, taking a blow or deflecting a blow for an ally. And he’s fiercely loyal despite his flippant behavior that may make it seem like he wouldn’t be. He’s honest and that’s all people can really ask from him, is honesty, loyalty, and selfness. Though there are times when Endra can be self righteous. Though his most notable negative is probably his crueler nature. Endra can be malicious at times against his enemies. Being taught in Obscuria he doesn’t see the world as save a life for the greater good. He’s not privy to the obileration of some enemies deeming them unfit for rehabilitation. Still he’s not a villain and wished people could see the good even in the dark of magic. He has very adult taste some would say, he likes coffee which what eighteen year old actually likes coffee, he likes to read old books, he likes to go out and discover, research, study, and so and so forth. What he dislikes is children, childish antics, loud for the sake of loud, people who do not know what they are saying, dumb people pretending to be smart, people who lie to gain an advantage, this list could go on forever so we’ll cut it off there. Also apparently he goes off on tangents. Powers: To some the term Mage and Warlock died out in our tales of Arthur and Swords in Stones. Morgan Le Fays and Merlins all stories of the past. Though Endra defies this stories being a Warlock himself, from a world not too different from our own though with its own evolutionary branch and way of life. A Warlock must begin first with these key components to their craft; Familiar - A familiar is a being that ties itself to a Master. That Master, genuinely a Warlock or Witch, shares a tie and bond with their familiar. A Warlock or Witch may be able to see through the eyes of their familiar, may be able to communicate with them telepathically, and the familiar will only die if their Master dies. A Familiar acts as a guardian toward their Master, protecting them from harm, and making sure if they are harmed to get help to save their Master. Few stories tell tales of Familiar’s being banished to other planes. Though that rarely happens and requires a very high level forbidden spell. Endra’s Familiar is Bentley A wolf, about the height of a 6ft human, from the Planes of Tierria. This is no common wolf, in fact Bentley is known as the Sinners Wolf. With talon like paws, a wolf skull for a face, a man of fear that ends at the beginning of its spine and begins again at its tail. A dark aura surrounds it and those that get the chance to meet such a beast say it smells like death. It’s aura is said to make those that stand next to it, that have not tamed it, apprehensive and anxious with fear. Bentley’s Abilities are as followed; Natural attacks, like biting, and slashing with his claws. And the Sinners Wolf is a species with a special defense mechanism called Noxious Breath - The Sinners wolf can emmitt a foul stench from their mouth that is said to be the equivalent of both gas fumes, and rotting, decaying flesh. Those who smell it finds themselves woozy from the after effects. Some who are much closer to the wolf, about a few feet from it, tend to faint from how awful the breath smells. Grimoire - All spells a Warlock cast come from this very book. Any spell they craft or learn is automatically catalogued into this book. Anyone who tries to use the Grimoire for their own purposes will end seeing blank pages, as the book is meant for only the eyes of the Warlock. There are very few spells a Warlock can cast not from their book, but most are bound by their book. The types of Spells a Warlock has in his book are based on their practices. Few Warlocks are powerful enough to have spells that they are not trained in. Endra is considered a Conjurer and his spells are about summoning Demons from other planes. All though be wary not all Conjurers summon Demons, some summon animals, other spirits, fairies, corpses, etc. Spells are not easy to cast, good magic users recognize the use in weaker spells to assess an enemies weakness. The weaker a spell is the easier it is to cast multiple spells. Though casting takes stamina, too many spells casted at one time exhaust the user. There are four types of spells. Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, and Master. Though Endra can only pull from the Beginner spell list with mastery, some from his intermediate spells he’s currently training in with moderate understanding. Expert and Master spells are currently out of Endra’s current practice. Current Max Summon Level - 3 Summons can be active at a time Endra’s Spells - [hider=Grimoire]Imps - Beginner - 97% Spell Success 5 mins Imps are not the most powerful demon there is out there. They are no more than goblin looking creatures, with big bat ears and leathery skin. And most of their skillset is doing something for the person who summoned them. Not tough fighters, they are more often than not summoned for task. Like finding a key, being meat fodder which they gladly do gives their life purpose. All though one Magister use to use them to do his laundry, grocery shopping, and other errands. Far less glamorous than dying in battle. Can summon up to 5 imps with relative ease Fire Dogs - Beginner - 89% Success 2 mins Fire dogs are not the easiest creatures to command. Blacken midnight fur, golden eyes, and the ability to ignite their bodies on fire and shoot fireballs from their mouth, with a range of 15ft, fire dogs are not easy to tame nor are they easy to summon. Some are so disobedient, obedient and may ignore the summoning call all together simply because they can. Can summon up to 2 fire dogs with relative ease Lesser Fiend - Beginner - 79% Success 60 seconds Lesser fiends may be demonic fodder in the planes of Tierria and other planes they walk, but they are not easily summoned and won’t come to the aid of anyone. The individual’s magic must be strong enough to call them and even then they may turn on the summoner if they feel they are beneath even them. The reality is there is no one lesser fiend to be labeled. A Lesser Fiend is an individual who is not near as strong as other Fiends, but that can be any species or any type of warrior. In this case Endra summons Lesser Soldiers, equipped with a sword and ready to fight, or ignore him and leave. Can summon 1 Lesser Fiend Soldier Black Knight - Intermediate - 49% Success 60 seconds There’s a lot of room for error when summoning a Black Knight. If you thought a Lesser Fiend was fickle about who could summon it, a Black Knight is even more fickle. They all come from different families and houses and if they think you are going behind their back they may not come when they are hailed. Few Black Knights are mercenaries for hire and will come to any call. If they feel the caster who has summoned them is not strong enough for their might, they leave. Can summon 1 Black Knight with minor exertion Frost Atronauch - Intermediate - 70% Success 60 seconds Atronauchs are the demonic equivalent to an elemental, they were the answer to the Fairy wars or so the history books are told. Atronauchs are more carefree and are easily summoned, they allow themselves to be because they were constructs meant to be told what to do on their casters whim. A Frost Atronauch is as its name sounds, a demonic elemental who uses the abilities of frost. They are able to send hailstones towards the enemy, about 20ft range, send cold gust that blow an enemy back, about 5ft, and have a 10% chance to freeze a limb or two in place. They may also raise a small 3ft wall of ice up as a shield. The only concern a caster might have with an Atronauch is their tendency to become bored if there is nothing else for them. They may turn on a caster simply because. They have no other reasoning than because. Can summon 1 Frost Atronauch with minor exertion[/hider] Demonic Lineage - There are reasons why Endra can summon demons more feasible than other Conjurers. And it is simply the perks of his demonic lineage. It barely gives him much, other than making fickle demons think twice about harming him for fear of angering his demonic parent who is quite powerful. It also means Endra can take more abuse than a regular human, though not by much, it’s not like he can’t feel pain or anything like that. It allows Endra to be more aware of magic and energy in the air, as well as read it, and see its lingering effects. Which he can dispel these after effects. Either way though Endra still takes damage, his bones can be broken and he can die. He doesn’t have super strength or super speed. For the most part everything about him would be at Peak Human condition with little effort. He just has more magic than most of his own Kind and humans. That still doesn’t mean he won’t feel the effects of his spells, he often does, with daily drowsiness that he has to stave off. History: There is a place that exist next to this plane of existence, it is known as Obscuria. It is a pocket dimension created by powerful Magisters ,who feared for the destruction of magic, that protected magic users safe from their existence being annihilated. All though the reality is not near as peaceful as the history makes it seem. Obscuria was a pocket dimension created by practitioners of dark arts to practice their demonic and dark practices without interference from White Magic Magisters or Paladins hired by the Church. In time Obscuria grew to what it is today. Invisible from our eyes is a world of magical inventions and a society run by magic. Covered in thick, labyrinth like woods, with manners of beast protecting the gates of Obscuria from any passerbys. There is a society in the pocket dimension divided by its purpose. While cities built by magic, constructs, ruled by feuding Dark Overlords. There is also pagan society living in the woods as ancestors had lived before they became powerful enough to make machines with magic, walls with magic, enslave the very dark beast they had sworn to protect in this pocket dimension. There are still cities in these woods, more like small, woodland villages, run based on the communities wants and desires rather than obedience of Dark Overlords seeking to become liches. Dark arts can be used in the same ways white magic can. It is all the intention and purpose of the caster itself. Endra was born into a small city, obscured by the woods, and not bound by the laws the more elaborate cities lived under. Evidently Endra never knew his father the Tralrog. Though it was this demonic lineage that both had some in the village garnering for a new hope, perhaps the Dark Overlords that threatened the woods and the smaller villages would be wary with a child of Tralrog. Others saw it as a risk that should have never been taken. Endra’s birth was marked by a fertility ritual that has been practiced for thousands of years within his society, this ritual is meant for a woman to take the burden of fertility’s negativity upon herself and to bring a demonic child in the world that acts as an anchor to both planes. The Widow Maiden is a chosen woman, said to harbor a nest of despair in her womb, dark and powerful enough to hold onto a demonic child until birth. While the child born is said to be the anchor of both the demonic plane and the human one. This anchor keeps demons from slipping into the planes they are unwanted and chains them to the demonic child when they slip into the human plane. Or that is what is said and believed to be true. A Widow Maiden will have no other child than the demonic child she was impregnated with the seed of a powerful demon summoned in this ritual, she for the rest of her life will remain infertile. It is said she carries the other burdens of childbirth onto her, if a woman falls pregnant in the village, the Widow Maiden will fall pregnant with her, only to miscarry for the other woman’s baby to be healthy and strong. Endra didn’t really know his mother much either. She had other duties in the city that kept her away from home. Though most kids were all care for under the watchful eye of the Elder Mothers. The eldest woman of the city villages took care of the children and many of the children played while learning magic together. That’s probably where this story gets boring because most of Endra’s life in Obscuria was learning magic with his peers. Learning to control magic. What type of magical called to him. What type of magic the children would then focus on. He was thirteen when he was considered for his familiar, as all kids in the village are. Most kids are sent out to capture their own familiar. Though some kids would have considered Endra spoiled in that fact when one day a Sin Wolf puppy was thrust into his hands. He was outright told this was his familiar. It wasn’t some special bond after days trying to tame the beast like the way it was portrayed. It was simple given to him and chosen for him. Later he discovered it was a gift from Tralrog. It was rare for Tralrog to care about his children. Though Tralrog has never sired many children. And care might not have been the right word. Tralrog was known to manipulate or butter his children up with gifts, call them to his plane and then devour them. Though knowing this fact probably is what saved Endra from being eaten by his own father. Tralrog was an agent of chaos, said to destroy dimensions. For that he was feared and considered too chaotic to be used in any kind of ritual. Though it was quickly a responsibility of the Eldest Mothers to tell Endra all these things in order to keep him alive and not fall prey to his father’s tricks. At seventeen children who are shown to have promise are chosen to prove themselves. This rite is a bit like a pilgrimage. And the children are expected to find and bring knowledge back to the village. It’s not quite clear when a child’s pilgrimage is over, but they often come back as adults with something to bring that advances the villages understanding of the world. This is how Endra came to Tranquil City. He’s been slowly working in the shadows, purifying pieces of magic left lingering in the city. This magical pollution can often be the sources of unknownable ailments like a sudden cough or sudden lightheadedness.