[@Frenzy][@mmarage][@Blueflame] Frowning a little, Gaster eyed Sirin when she spoke, feeling her words somehow infulance him? He resisted the effects before snapping out of it but still speaking honestly. "Where I am from...it's underground. I have never been above ground before. I was resting at my desk since I don't really sleep..when I got up from my rest I found myself here in this city. I have no idea where here is or why we are here or even how...it might be possible a lot of worlds has collided into one?" Even as he said it, there was a slight possibility he was right but for some reason he don't think that is it... Not having any answers and no way of gathering information is a hassle. Glancing down to Fready not really wanting to put it on again but not really wanting to leave it behind either finally desided to put a shield bubble around the animatronic.