Rainer grunts as he slowly brings himself to shift into a sitting position, now sitting next to the older man as he watched the other fights unfold. [color=00aeef]"Man, today's been pretty eye opening for me."[/color] Rainer said out of nowhere as he stretched his arms, causing the old man to look at him with a raised eye brow. [color=00aeef]"I mean, for a long time I thought I was the strangest thing in the ocean, turns out there're giants who can divide themselves into smaller people, girls who can cut down men twice their size, a person who can explode, hell I think I saw this one guy walk on air for awhile. It's all just making me rethink the whole, 'lone sailor' thing y'know."[/color] He finishes as he watches Janet blow one of their enemies away with a small explosion, the old man giving a small nod in response.