[@crimson lion] The bartender gave a short nod at the man with the sword. "It's been a pretty interesting day for us too." He paused and gave the stubble on his chin a quick scratch. "I always thought there was something not quiet right about those Legion pirates, what with the way they all seemed so similar and anxious to throw their lives away, and now I know why that was. All of them, every single one, was just the same person, only a whole lot smaller." Smiling the man put his hand on the swordsman's shoulder, and squeezed it amiably. "Nobody should be alone out in a world where there people like these guys floating around." He gave a short laugh, before turning around and putting his hands around his mouth to give a short holler. "Okay guys! The coast is clear! The Legion pirates are gone and these people, despite a lack of concern for collateral damage, don't seem hostile, at least unless you throw the first stone." [@Noodles] Abbygail's first instinct was to move as she noted the small woman was unleashing another explosion, but she forced herself to relax as she noted that there wasn't enough power for the force to reach her. It was just precisely enough to cause the man who was shooting towards her like a soft, round cannon ball to gain some height over her, and keep on sailing right into the sunset. There wasn't a lot of time between the man's change of direction and the loud, distant splash as his body slammed into the water, and sank until it either hit something hard, or became dinner for something bigger. The woman with purple hair stuck her hands in her pockets, standing next to Janet, and gave out a short whistle. "I'm not sure if you're getting better, or if the fight back there on the Legion's ship got you excited, but its nice to see that I'm not flying too." With a short smile on her face, the woman turned her attention to the crowd that was gathering around the other three pirates who assisted in the battle against the Legion pirates. "Not sure if they're going to thank us, or just to lynch us for the damage we've done to their little town, but whatever's going to happen I think it would be a good idea if we all faced it together." Without another word the woman started moving towards the gathering crowd. [@Shiyonichi][@grandia20][@Crimson Lion][@Noodles] What was left of the village, at least those who weren't fortunate enough to get on a boat before the boats were done away with, wasn't much, but it was enough to start over again. Maybe a few dozen men, women, and children were left alive. Despite the differences in natural appearances, they were all covered in dirt and soot, with cuts and abrasions decorating their bodies like red sprinkles on chocolate cakes. More than that, they all wore the same expression on their faces, ones of exhaustion, hope and relief that the hell they were experiencing wasn't going to continue for very long. For a few minutes after gathering, the crowd simply stood, looking at one another for some kind of answer to their confusion, but nobody knew what to say. Eventually, one person started to talk, and then another. Before long everyone was in a full uproar over the day's events. They weren't mad, or excited, just agitated with all the energy they found had been stored up inside of them. This went on for a few minutes before the man who owned the bar raised a hand. "Ladies and gentlemen." He said with authority. "Please." The crowd went silent as if they were watching a pin falling towards the Earth and wanted to know if it made a sound against sand. "Let me talk." He took a deep breath. "Here." He said, motioning towards the group which had taken care of the Legion pirates at the cost of their town. "We have heroes and destroyers. These are the individuals who, through arguably no fault of their own, gained the ire of Legion pirates which prompted an attack on not only themselves, but our homes. The struggle between the two forces ended with this place." He paused to made a motion towards the ruins around them. The crowd mumble, angrily like a wasps of honey bees that were almost as mad as heck and weren't going to take it any more, but the man resumed before they had a chance to turn into an angry mob. "But in the end, this would happen someday, sooner or later. I say, we should show some thanks, if not to these people then to those in heaven, that they were strong enough to chase the bastard away with his tale between his legs." Another pause, this time, there were no angry murmurs. The only sign the crowd was still alive was the occasional nod of their head. "Fine then." The man said, clapping his hands together, to settle the point. "It's decide." He made a movement, with a flourish. "So, bring what you can; food, drink, plates, or what have you. Tonight, we'll celebrate and tomorrow we'll begin rebuilding our home." With that, the crowd gave a quick cheer before scattering like a hill of ants that suddenly found heaps of honey suddenly flowing over their hill. "Well this is a pleasant surprise." Abbygail said, with a grin. "For a second there I was sure they'd lynch us." Still smiling, she held out her hand. "The name is Abbygail, by the way."