Maverick was never one to shy from an argument, but he did have enough sense in him to keep from others' business. Previously, the insults tossed in his direction meant absolutely nothing and bounced right off him. He had half a mind to snap back at Emily and possibly Laura again but now that Kacey had presented a solid plan for tomorrow Maverick instead chose to focus his energy on prepping. So that's why his had his rifle and ammo laid on on a tarp before him. (The gun was empty of course so there was nothing to worry about as he inspected an polished the thing while Dodger continued to doze beside him.) Maverick was never one to shy from an argument, and he did have enough sense in him to keep from others' business, but now that precaution no longer applied. His trigger was Kacey yanking Desmond and physically pulling him back into their fight, the pair at it like a couple of rabid coyotes fighting over bunny corpse scraps. Verbally, of course. (Why couldn't she leave it alone when the first time he walked away?) Had things gotten physical from Desmond's side then Maverick sure as hell was going to put him in his place. Cinnamon getting an earful was one thing -it didn't bother him but his mutt seemed agitated by the heightened tension in the group- but this? Maverick understood he was never going to be a favorite within this group, and he and Kacey would likely never get along, but he wasn't going to tolerate insubordination. Not for loyalty to the Johnson matriarch but rather for his duties to the gang as a member. Together they were a pack, a force to be reckoned with. Without structure they were no better off than a band of renegades who raided and raped as they pleased and God knows those fools were getting what they deserved whenever the authorities ran another ring to the ground and hanged each and every last one. Maverick couldn't care less about who ran things around here so long as it worked and things moved along smoothly like a well-oiled machine. A rule he always stuck by; never mess with the group dynamics unless there was a common enemy. Maverick got his feet under him and started to rise. Thankfully it was over as quick as it started once Cinnamon stepped back into the picture. Maverick let out a breath of relief and gradually relieved himself from the tense position he crouched at. Dodger whined with unease and shook out his coat before promptly trotting off. Maverick didn't call the dog back, nor did he pursuit. Instead he grabbed his rifle and went to go collect his horse. "I'll be atop the ridge keeping an eye out, if anyone needs me." Maverick made his announcement loud and clear but had no specific target in mind. Without further ado, he mounted his horse and rode off. [hr] Céline caught herself feeling more annoyed than agitated by the group's outburst once things blew over. Was this always how they chose to handle disputes around here? The young lass had only arrived towards the end of the argument but she'd gotten quite the earful. Wasn't too difficult to piece together what happened but that didn't make it any more excusable. And what was wrong with staying back anyway? She would much rather avoid the stress of a bank heist on any given day so Céline had no problem whatsoever with being left behind to watch over their camp. With a sigh, she removed the last of the burdocks from her little pony's mane before giving the animal a gentle pat on the flank. Dandy snorted and plodded off to do... whatever it was horses do. Céline dusted off her hands and tossed the annoying little fur stickers to the ground. Aside from Kacey, Céline hadn't really ever made much of an effort to get to really know anybody around here. The only real solid conclusions she'd come to so far were that; she and Cinnamon were the youngest two present, and Maverick was an asshole. Angel was a bit on the sketchier side of the scale but she decided to try her luck. Where'd he say he was from again? Now that she really thought about it Céline wasn't so sure the man had actually ever given a proper introduction for himself while here. But then again she hadn't really been here all that long. Thankfully that accent gave her something to go by. She had never given any indication of polylingualism before (always too paranoid) but she figured this was safe enough. [color=e6b5f3]"Is yelling supposed to be how we show affection around here? That 'tough love' attitude?"[/color] she inquired in Castilian tongue. The question was innocent enough but depending on his answer it may explain some things. Give her a nice heads-up to boot.