"Both are very fine names! I'm sure that they'd both be honored!" He said with a sincere chuckle. "The offer is still there, remember, but I know that Mishakal has always had a way of getting you through tough times." Anchors smile faded slightly at Tortetart's question. "No..... Nothing new in that regard. I spent some time visiting temples on the Moonshae Isles, but no one there was any use. I can still sense her presence, though, pushing me where she feels I can do the most good." Anchor caught himself and laughed. "Ha ha! I'm not even sure she's a she. Might just be the old sailor in me. What was it that the bards sang? 'My life, my love, my lady is the sea'" "Oh! Have you considered Nectar? Why not name it after both brothers at once!" He patted Tortetart on his shell with a smile.