[center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/7cd8/f/2016/179/1/5/kano_hargor_by_zelosse-da7xiiu.png[/img][/center] [center][color=004b80][h1][b]Kano Hargor[/b][/h1][/color][/center] 4:15pm - Academy Grounds; 'Proving Grounds' [@Arya10108909],[@Awesomoman64],[@baraquiel],[@CrabInATree],[@Crusader Lord],[@Hammerman],[@Kalleth],[@liferusher],[@Pseudo Stygian],[@Pyrodash888],[@Rabidporcupine],[@Raptra],[@Regitnui],[@RoccanIronclad],[@Sailorsadie],[@Spriggs27],[@Stern Algorithm] More students shuffled in through the underground tunnels, lead by the faculty or even older students all giving encouragement. They had gone through the same feeling of dread and nervousness when first led to this place. The air was cold in the undergrowth, the area was seldom used and thus unfamiliar. Overcoming your unease was all part of the lesson. Though many believed arriving to be the easiest part. [h3][color=0072bc]"Students of the Academy, lend me your attention."[/color][/h3] Kanos voice cut through the low chatter among the students as they waited patiently. Most of them had their thoughts written clear as day upon their faces - Fear, Anxiety, some with a look of determination in their eyes at the unknown. All seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. The Headmaster never failed to be impressed by the younger generations bravado. [color=0072bc]"Today is a special day for those of us at the Academy. New faculty walk the halls with you, experiencing their time as students from the opposite angle. Many of you come from a family that has spoken of these halls with reverence. The laughter, the mischief, their adventures. Every day you are here is a step towards mastering your own will no matter how you spend your time."[/color] Gesturing to the deep pits lining the floor sporadically he continued, [color=0072bc]"The fun must wait from time to time. For today is a time of tradition. No student of these halls has gone without a trial. To prove yourself and the skills developed. For many this will prove daunting; a display of prowess that is otherwise absent. Dash these thoughts."[/color] Glancing back at one of the staff members, they raised their hands to the ceiling and moved the very stones across the ground to reveal dazzling light. In a blink the room was flooded with light and warmth enough to fight off the harshest chill. [color=0072bc]"This will be a three part examination. Even if you do not succeed, I ask that you participate to the absolute best of your abilities. Now! First on the agenda is a show of connection. Every student in attendance must display their maximum use of their element in whatever way they choose. The bigger the better! Show us how strong your bond is with your display! But before you begin, please make your way down to the lowered floors. One per square please."[/color] Every student was capable of entering their own secluded area by means of a staircase made from the stonework leading down. In the past there had been students who exceeded expectation and, unfortunately, lost control of their element just an instant too long. Sometimes to just a small laugh, while another had created a dangerous firestorm. Safety precautions had to be taken. For each student the criteria was rather simple. Draw on as much of your element as possible for a short but powerful display of your connection. Some had created pillars of stone that reached the ceiling, others freezing their areas with over a foot of ice, tornadoes raging, great globes of water held above their heads. Anything that showed potential strength without worrying too much on the actual shaping of their element. An initial display to set the bar for later expectations. Some would find this quite simple and respond in kind, while others would try to show their strength with destructive force on their surroundings. All were acceptable means of display.