[@DC The Dragon] Demon blood is a little bit too 'fantasy' for this modern urban RP, Id be okay with genetically enhanced or some sort of super serum that they call demon blood though. [quote=@SugarRush] [@Dynamo Frokane] Just so I know before I go in and try to make a lil character, are any of the following powers too OP or off limits? Not like I'm going to give [i]all[/i] these powers to one character, I'm just seeing if any of my ideas for a character are not okay due to an OP power. Anyway here goes: - Astral Projection - Water Manipulation - Sleep/Dream Inducement - Very weak/temporary possession [/quote] They are all viable to an extent, for Astral projection id want to know what the abilities would be of the 'soul' that has left the body? Water Manipulation is absolutely fine, Sleep Dream inducement along with possesion would need to have its limits and also be able to be resisted up to point.