[h2] [centre] [color=f49ac2]Astrid Peterson[/color][/centre] [/h2] [h3] [centre] [color=C0C0C0] The Mayor's Party with Fluffy [/color][/centre] [/h3] [i][centre][h3] Dwarves, Dresses and Dancing[/h3][/centre][/i] [hr] Astrid headed back after paying at the bar and waving wishing then a good day, contrary to all popular legends and myths she could dress up if she wanted to and clean up nicely. Normaly seen in more casual sometimes a little dusty clothes, her work wear not helping in her boots and helmet driving a digger or other machines that sat round the mine helping her make a success of it. [i][color=f49ac2]see you at the party then, come on Fluffy! Home time. [/color][/i] Finding a old Cobolt blue dress she had not has reason to wear for a few months, this was the first real "event" in the new village, and after her previous other had left for big Co, it was almost fun to be someone else rather than her constantly working or such self. Her "nice event" coat was a few years old but still fitted perfectly and looked cute ernough, least she could try to clean up nice for the mayor. [hider=Le Dress, coat] [img] https://bec2df9eb90bb6604cfc-660d71a7a33bc04488a7427f5fddcedf.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/uploads/product_image/photo/591b78caec60461df4000b8b/large_tmp.jpg[/img] [img] https://images.yoins.com/thumb/big/oaupload/yoins/images/BC/66/93d5102a-6dfd-46f5-8739-8d369d70fe3d.jpeg[/img] [/hider] Getting dressed and sorting her hair out into somthing more suitable and finding Fluffy lazing by the door obviously waiting for her, it was a darker walk back to Durins Cottage on edge of the village and she always felt better with her large dog as company. Durins Cottage was a smaller stone cottage near the mine, its thick walls and warm fire kept it surprisingly warm in the winter though its location was on thr far edge of thr village, the only things past was some old place the priest or priestess called home though she had rarely ever seen them. The buzz of the party was viable, lights and clearly the mayor took things seriously for a party, bringing a small gift of a nice peice of qautz perfect for jewellery deeper in the mines looking for gold. A rather bad cook, she had decided that poisoning most of thr village was a bad idea! Walking into the party, it seemed she was a tad early for the event and not everyone had yet arrived, thr mayor made a small announcement and seemed to be rather enthusiastic. Leaving her gift of the table in the little pile meant for him she made small talk and took advantage of the free food that was alot better than her cooking happily. Looking round for anyone she knew or even had to bumped into yet, not that they might reconise the normaly casual woman in a cobolt dress and neat cute pale coat. Feeling slightly unfamiliar and not knowing many people, the party was fun but it would probbly of been better if she had decided to have been more social I'm the previous weeks and taken a few days off to know the locals more. Petting Fluffy, and fussing her for being a good girl, she was well behaved despite all the new distractions and overwhelming numbers of people. Leaning down slightly she made sure the Newfoundland knew Astrid was solely meaning her. [i][color=f49ac2]your doing great Fluffy, good lady. Very well behaved. [/color][/i] Gladly, at least her dog was a reliable companion and comfort she knew. Somehow for some reason, she felt that Fluffy understood her on some level. Trailing after her slowly, she was a large furry freind. [hr] [@MissCapnCrunch] [hr]