[@Rune_Alchemist][@Dezuel][@Lord Zee] Evil The sound of choppers over the video-feed was a delightful sound as he saw from the commanders perspective that they were about to land. "Go, Go, Go!" and they filled out. Huseror had given them the means to find the welps, but they wouldn't know it was magic. They went to the coordinates, but the welps weren't there. The commander brought out the device, the disguised relic, and it pointed them in the direction. "They're close, start runnin'!" Thirty minutes later, they were surrounding the festival as quietly as possible. The commander asked over the comms, "We're in position sir. Ready on your mark." Huseror leaned back with a devious smirk. He looked at the purple gem in his hand, his eye, and twirled it around. [color=92278f]"Now. And don't show any mercy."[/color] [hr] Anarchy [color=ed1c24]*sniff*.... *sniff*...."I smell chaos."[/color]