Here's my filthy xenos CS [hider=Fiora] Full Name: Shas’Ui T’au Fiora Shortened Name: Fiora Age: 20 Gender: male Race: Tau Appearance: Armour: Dark red recon armour with three cyan stripes on the right side of the helmet and the left shoulder, lenses on helmet are also cyan; under armour is matte black. On top of armour is wearing a camouflage cloak which can change colour depending on surroundings in order to blend in, defaults to black and grey. Face: Gaunt with hollow cheeks and skin a shade greyer than is normal for a tau, he has a scar stretching from just below his right eye across his nose to the left side of his upper lip. Despite his near undead appearance his eyes shine with life and determination. Pulse carbine: Same black and red colour scheme as his armour with three blue stripes running along the length of the barrel. Personality: Charismatic and excitable Fiora always trys to lead a group he is in, often attempting to charm his teammates with his enthusiasm. He hates conflict within a team and will react aggressively towards anyone he thinks is purposely making trouble as he sees it as a betrayal of the greater good. He enjoys working with other races declaring multiracial squads to be a great victory for, and proof of the eventual triumph of the greater good. Though Fiora knows he will die long before the greater good is spread throughout the entire galaxy, he is content in the knowledge that he has played a part in the furtherance of Tau goals. Is known to be over enthusiastic though is oblivious to this himself. This positive personality is contrasted by his vicious fighting tactics. Using Kauyon tactics to repeatedly ambush and completely wipe out enemies who are drawn away from the bulk of enemy forces by other squad members used as bait. History: Was born on the Tau home world of T’au, Fiora spent his childhood surrounded by reminders of his species greatness and felt pressured to become an embodiment of Tau ideals, this lead him to zealously adhere to the philosophies of the greater good. Fiora enlisted as a fire warrior cadet as soon as he could, and through success in combat was quickly promoted to shas’la becoming a fully fledged fire warrior. His fighting style eventually lead to him being reposted as a pathfinder where he was fully in his element. His continued success meant that he received extra training and became part of a pathfinder special forces group carrying out stealth operations in priority war zones alongside kroot warriors and stealth suits, starting his envy of their pilots and him eventually repeatedly (and unsuccessfully) attempting to join their squads, though in recognition of his attempts he was presented with his camouflage cloak upon promotion to shas’ui. On his most recent deployment his group was caught off guard during a sabotage mission forcing command to prematurely detonate their explosives remotely, this lead to most of them being killed in the resulting explosion and more died in their attempt to escape the alerted enemies. Fiora escaped but was badly wounded and was in a coma like state for a month, when he awoke the learned that the mission was declared a failure and the group had been disbanded. The survivors were to be split up and redeployed into new squads and war zones, Fiora being sent to the planet Su'Ya. Skills: Stealth: has been trained to be able to hide easily in most environments. Speed and acrobatics: is able to quickly move from position to position as well as being nimble enough to reach hard to get places, this coupled with his stealth allows him to quickly move around his foes attacking from unexpected positions. Equipment: Backsun filter: allows low light vision and reduces glare from bright lights (eg: photon grenades. Recon armour: lighter less protective version of combat armour. Pulse carbine: standard pulse carbine. Camouflage cloak: a custom made cloak which changes its colours to better blend in with Fiora’s surroundings. Marker light: highlights targets and allows the user and nearby allies to fire upon them with greater accuracy and efficiency. 3xPhoton grenades: standard photon grenades. Miscellaneous: Has always been jealous of stealth suit pilots and covets their abilities, he hopes one day to be promoted and have one of his own. Though he bears them no ill will Fiora doesn't understand why command chose to sacrifice his entire group and seeks an explanation. [/hider]