[right] [h3][color=40ceb6][i]Ivory[/i][/color][/h3] [hider=Status] [b]Location:[/b] [i]Apothecary // North Gate at Barion Square[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Interacting with[/i] [b]various crowd members[/b] [/hider] [hider=Description] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/65/5f/92/655f92322378bba882c250263117f09d.jpg]appearance pic[/url], roughly 5' 7" with a lean build, confident mannerisms, clothing doesn't stand out or indicate any form of wealth/lack of wealth [/hider] [/right] [hr] Ivory headed back to the apothecary after Vulcure and Caeleo finished their remarks about the journey to ithica. Most of it was vague and over her head but one thing was clear - she was headed to get what she wanted from Elk. Her party members weren't aware of this, of course, but there was no reason she couldn't take advantage of their presence and resources. After all, the trip there was rumored to be eventful, even dangerous. There was safety in numbers as well as a fully trained guard. Once back, she went up to the private sleeping quarters above the shop. She wasn't sure how long the journey would be and didn't want to overpack. She threw together a simple [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/55/c0/f5/55c0f5909682a143c1fec4c0c2dd0433.jpg]bag[/url] that contained two sets of clothes, a brush, and a small pillow and blanket. She decided to pack pants. It would likely cause a stir among the group but she knew they needed a healer and would be hard pressed to find one after they headed out, especially over something like her dress. After a small bit of debate, she decided to throw in one of Xen's journals. It was her favorite because it elaborated on the day he found the Blood Thistle. His writing was initially exciting and adventurous but a lot of it was about his crimes and exploits on the seas. It would have been too hard to believe, had she not met the man himself. Now the writing seemed dull in comparison to the real thing. The groups were instructed to meet at the North Gate in the morning and, based on the peek of the sunrise on the horizon, she only had a few hours to finish getting ready. Back downstairs, Ivory grabbed the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d5/6f/2c/d56f2cf2542d759171c0c99ef8f898c0.jpg]box of healing supplies[/url] that she often took with her when travelling. It contained all the serums, potions, mixtures, herbs, and salves she thought she would need for this type of adventure. It also had two scalpels, small bits of rope and silk, a syringe with a few needles, and a hunter's knife. She had yet to use the knife but didn't want to be stuck without it. The bottom of the box pulled aside to reveal a hidden compartment that she used to store blood vials. It wasn't easy to find unless you were looking for it but even if it was discovered, it was simple to explain away - transfusions were a new practice but were familiar enough with the townspeople that she wouldn't be criticized for it. Granted, they could only be done between two live patients, but most laymen didn't know that. Finally, she grabbed two large coin purses from under a floorboard beneath a patient bed. She had been saving since the day she moved out of her family's home. If she was cautious about it and relied on bartering her services, she had enough money to sustain herself for a couple of years without a source of income. She divided the coins among four separate pouches and placed them in various locations, strapping only one in the traditional holder of her bag. That way, if she was robbed, she would still have the majority of her money with her. She was set - she had enough blood vials to last her two weeks if she used minimal flux. She placed the rest of her supplies near the door and headed back up to sleep. She hadn't slept much over the last week and didn't know when she would sleep again. She laid in bed, cast a spell over herself to prompt her to wake in time, and quickly fell asleep. ------ Once awake, Ivory's excitement for the trip blossomed. She grabbed all of her things and headed into the Barion square. The North Gate was crowded early, as if people had grabbed their things and slept in the square. It wasn't entirely an unreasonable thing to do but Ivory's practice with sleep spells had made it unnecessary for her. She browsed the crowd, looking for any sign of a familiar face. It looked like she was the first, of those who Caeleo had called on by name, to arrive. She took a few minutes to greet others that she had never met before, asking if anyone was in need of a healer to start their journey. She rubbed a few muscle ointments on joints but otherwise the majority of the population seemed in good health. She heard many discussions of strategy as well as a few conversations between those who were just excited to travel. The people seemed diverse, which would be advantageous when she decided to slip out to make a deal with Elk. It was likely she wouldn't even be noticed. Eventually she found a side corner of the square, by the gate front, that seemed a bit quieter than the rest of the area. From there she could see the majority of the crowd. After some time, the Naga, Sapphira and a new golem who came with the Naga had found their way to her. Each arrival had been somewhat awkward and they didn't really speak while they waited. Soon, they were impatient to leave. It seemed as though the more people who arrived at the square, the more they were itching to be on their way. Caeleo eventually found them and seemed impatient himself. It was the new golem who finally spoke up, making them realize that they could leave on their own. Immediately they headed toward the wagon that had somehow managed to be given to the group. While they loaded it, Ivory decided to get to know those she was travelling with a bit better. The Naga from the shop helped put her alchemy box into the back. [color=40ceb6]"Thanks,"[/color] she said, hopping down from the wagon. [color=40ceb6]"I'm Ivory. I saw you before, with Stravier."[/color] [color=695fd8]"Yeah, I remember ya,"[/color] he uttered, jumping down himself. [color=695fd8]"You own that healer shop a few blocks from here."[/color] [color=40ceb6]"Yes,"[/color] she sparked up a bit, prideful of the recognition. Before she could continue, he added, [color=695fd8]"It's Tarkus."[/color] Then walked away. [i][color=40ceb6]That one is a bit gruff,[/color][/i] she thought to herself. She glanced over and saw Sapphira struggling to carry her own belongings, but instead of talking to her, she tried to make her way over to the golem. Just then, Caeleo announced that they were ready to head out. [color=40ceb6][i]I can just introduce myself later.[/i][/color] She wanted to make sure she could sit near her things, to prevent them from being messed with. She didn't know any of these people enough to trust them yet.