[@Camey] Mikkish watched Naoko dash out as he finished his calzone. Naoko's actions didn't surprise Mikkish, even if he didn't really expect it. It seemed, to Mikkish that he was destined to run into weird people constantly. "Damn. Our evil plan to invade his castle, thwarted." He wiped sauce off his mouth "Well I'm going to see what else this city has to offer. Feel free to tag along." He told Maddox, before leaving his trash and a couple bits of crust on the table, dusting a few barely noticeable crumbs off his shirt, and casually walking out. [@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Mariana Collie] "Thats right. It doesn't have to be difficult." The man said, reaching to grab the wallet from West. West's assumptions were correct. These boys knew next-to-nothing about guns. One had the safety on, the other had no interest in what they were doing. William liked the money they had made doing this kind of thing, but he hated hurting people. A good natured guy, how did he wind up doing this? They were out in the middle of the sidewalk, yet still nobody, not a car or a person, came by.