It was too dark down here. And he hadn't been allowed to bring his camera. Zeke was nervous already, and the expectation that he was supposed to do [I]something[/I] to impress the suddenly very stern looking teachers. The first few students went forward, and did some things that looked kind of impressive. Eventually, he guessed, it was his turn. He was startled when someone started a fountain from one of the pits, and he almost tripped into a hole. He caught himself, dropping to all fours, then carefully went down the stairs. At the bottom, he sat down and looked up at the dark walls and the dark ceiling. It was too dark. It flickered from other kids trying to make big things, but Zeke wasn't a big things kind of person. He did little things. Intricate things. With a deep breath, he stretched out his hands and fingers. Then he brought light into the darkness. Sky blue streamed from his fingertips. As it faded, his fingers passed over it again. Soon he was encased in a cocoon of bright colour. A smile starting to appear on his face, Zeke ran through his light and smeared a rainbow over the walls of the pit, a stream of consciousness mural both abstract and concrete appearing. In the end, he plopped onto his bum and sat in the middle of his brightened walls, shining enough that he could no longer see the dark outside. Outside the pit, the light radiated out as if he'd lit a floodlight at the bottom. Though, people would have to approach to see the mural.