Enjoy my baking sloth. :) [hider=Cesar D'Entremont] [color=silver][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G8KygQj.png[/img] [color=3B556E]Cesar D'Entremont[/color] • [color=3B556E]Age: 18[/color] • [color=3B556E]Student/Baker[/color] • [color=3B556E]Tyrone Smithers[/color] [/center] [color=3B556E]A p p e a r a n c e [/color] [indent]From a distance, Cesar looks like a caramel skinned short boy. Up close and personal the first thing you notices would be his sea blue eyes. Cesar embodies the short baker look, from his 5'9 height to his small build and baby face. He has no outstanding marks or scars, not a single tattoo or piercing, and make-up is out of the question. He sticks to his normal semi-low haircut, keeps the curls in place and makes him look clean all around. Cesar is an affordable fashion advocate, he loves to take his long coats, ripped or old shirts/jeans, and those clearance rack finds and puts them to good use in a plethora of ways. Most can see him rocking his homemade jewelry (no piercings of course), long coats, bolo ties, the works. In any setting, Cesar will always find a way to look the most comfortable in the room. It's just the aura that he carries as if he is living at a slower pace. When he is out and about there is most likely some kind of sweet in his hand, a mess on his back, or a littler of papers in his arms. At home, he hates constricting clothes, mostly opting for lose joggers, big sweatshirts, muscle tees (even though he has none) and the classic skin and boxers. During work, he is usually covered in flower, and wearing some kind of apron, not really one to clean himself up before moving on to the next project. To summarize, Cesar is messy and comfortable, not really one to stress what he wears or how he carries himself. [/indent] [color=3B556E]P e r s o n a l i t y[/color] [indent]If there are two words that described Cesar it would have to be comfortable and warm. Not that warmth like its cold outside, that warm like everything is just right. He is not too cold, not too hot, just right, Cesar is that guy you meet behind the counter and want to spill your life story to because he gave you a comforting smile. He loves to just sit and listen, watch and learn, never really one to go out and cause problems (because he feels like drama is waste of time). Life for him is that warmth, he is a simple guy so he says what he means and how he feels upfront and doesn't layer his words with endless meanings and devices. In his mind, if it's not as simple as baking then something is wrong. Taking life in warm strides have made him the emotional type, he will cry at a sad part of a movie, show his excitement for something he loves. This has made him an honest person because its hard to lie when he wears his emotions on his sleeve. If Cesar had a spirit animal it would be a sloth: warm, cuddly, and relaxed. He always tries to make sure he is gonna be as comfortable as possible, no matter the situation. In class, you want to sit next to him, while he is at work you want to watch him work, he even makes yoga look as good as its supposed too. This mentality leads him to bump heads with others on how to deal with things, Cesar wants to do it his way (because that's the best way). For all his chill he has some bite, he rolls his eyes and talks mess under his breath, Cesar has a way of making sure you know that he does not like you even if he won't come out and say it. [/indent] [color=3B556E]B i o g r a p h y[/color] [center]"[color=3B556E]Candy is so overrated, come try some real desserts.[/color]"[/center] [indent][i]Hey guys, today we spotted our favorite little baker: Cesar D'Entremont. Unlike most of the Upper-East Side, he is not even from New York. This boy hails from the small town of McRae, Georgia. He had to deal with the whole black single mother act all fo his life rumor has it that his dad was some big spender on Wall-Street or that he was some major political player, but we don't know the truth (and neither does Cesar). Instead let's focus on who was in his life: Miss Nancy Tate, a single mother, baker, and businesswoman. She has not always been the new money on the block in the Upper East Side, once upon a time, she was nothing more than a small time waitress who would make her pies for the no-name dive she worked in. She was destined to be stuck in that town, but for some reason, after she got pregnant someone "discovered" her skills with a whisk and some flour. It was as if his birth was a golden ticket, and boy did she win the grand prize at the chocolate factory. She started small, a little line of pies that caught up quickly in the southern community, then Miss Nancy Tate went countrywide. You all remember, the horrible logo, ugly colored box, but what was inside was the best blueberry, apple, or chess pie you had ever tasted (I am so glad she got some marketing help). It is history from there, little Cesar lived in Atlant until his 9th-grade year, and then he and Miss Tate moved to the Upper East Side, when she got on the New York Times Bestseller list with her [i]hit[/i] cookbook (the one among many). Speaking of Cesar he and his mother have never been closer, he has pretty much been the sloth on her back while she took this "amazing ride", as she calls it. He never objected to much of anything and was always there to take the pictures with her and smile at the interviews. Of course, it was easy to get him into Columbia University, I mean we all remember when the school magically started to be catered by [i]Tate Sweets[/i] the year before our little sloth started to attend. On campus, you will either find him nodding off in class or at Sprinkles whipping up the next batch of goodies you will probably be eating. Now my dedicated readers wrap your mind around this cookie; we all know about the southern bell's rise to fame, but who brought it about. Is it really a coincidence that Cesar was born and then a few months later she hops on [i]that[/i] wave, considering the wave has probably never seen McRae, Georgia before. There is still the question of Cesar's father, and every time he has ever been asked about its always the stereotypical automated responses, but that does not put our curious hearts to ease. I have some birdies who might have a lead on that situation but don't want to disclose anything too soon, would hate to ruin the cake that I am currently baking. I'll see you all when the cookie crumbles. XOXO Gossip Girl[/i][/indent][/color] [/hider]