[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.org/csberib27/image.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b][color=00ccff]Location:[/color][/b] Governorate (E/F 10) [b][color=00ccff]Skills:[/color][/b] Acute Observation, Intuition, Deduction [/center][hr] If anyone was suffering from a case of hysterics, Nora mused, it was herself. Twenty four hours ago, she had been spending her time delving into the realm of mathematics and dismissing anything extraordinary that reached beyond Euler's identity as fiction. She preferred to be grounded in reality and logic, leaving tales of fantasy for a guilty pleasure to be read and then set aside. Yet now, she had been branded by what was apparently an Egyptian goddess and had been instructed that she was meant to defend a Bastet. As far as she could tell, Lady Munn appeared to be the best candidate. Yet had she informed anyone of her dreams and the events that had happened, she would most certainly be admitted for treatment. Her father would likely send her back to England to a facility in the countryside, away from the prying eyes of society. His youngest daughter was already enough of an oddity without mental instability. She had no such plans of discussing her theories quite yet - not until she had enough evidence to either disprove her thoughts or to make them arguable. She certainly was not going to inform Lady Munn that there may be some significance to the Egyptian astrology - not quite yet. She needed more data points. [color=00ccff]"It was no trouble at all, Lady Munn,"[/color] Nora replied softly. [color=00ccff]"I am more than certain that your mind has the strength to conquer any challenge that may arise throughout the course of these odd events. And yes, Peter was quite lovely. I must agree that he has a natural talent when it comes to interactions - and I did appreciate receiving the opportunity to speak with another mathematician."[/color]