[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DEA7D1]6[/color][/h1] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/y5azs80/0Rgmcj3c1/library.gif[/img] Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab[/center] [hr][hr] 6 was confident that all was going according to plan. What plan that was? She had no clue. Still, it was better they do as they were told rather than risk the lives of everyone to play the hero. For all she knew, these guys had better gun skills and could easily down all 13 of them. She just noticed. There were 13 of them total. An unlucky number. Did that play out? Speaking of unlucky, she barely had time to register the shout and the gunshot when she was showered in something hot and sticky. She looked over to see the leader, now minus a good portion of his head. She wanted to scream, to throw up, but something inside of her told her that things just went belly up and it was better to use this motion to get the leg up. She would chew them out later. For now, she grabbed the downed man's gun and pointed it at the others, [color=DEA7D1]"You heard her, guns down!"[/color]