[quote=@Wernher]Just an idea... though, if people would be interested, could I make him a sibling of one of the current characters?[/quote] I don't see why you'd need to make him someone's sibling, he's a strong enough character on his own. In fact, giving him ties outside of the Church might dilute his zealotry a little, giving him an emotional weakness others could exploit. You could even take this to the extreme and make it that 'Samael' had found his own family guilty of heresy and had them all executed before taking control of their lands in the name of the Church. [quote=@Wernher]Above a knight, an example for all knights...[/quote] This may be a little questionable. Paladins were entitled by the Church while other knights had to undergo rigorous training and years of testing before being awarded their title by the Crown (since most knights were "landed" and so the titles were a scarse commodity, while the Church were only limited by how many suits of armour and sigils they could hand out.) This process required a vast amount of resources to achieve, usually making it the purview of only the nobility who could afford to dedicate their time to 'knightly pursuits' as someone else had to worry about where their meals came from. [b][i]Anyone[/i][/b] could be named a Paladin though, with many 'lowborn' gaining their titles through acts of great piety and proof of their faith, rather than the usual manner of martial conduct and commitment to the code of chivalry (although usually the two overlapped a great deal.) Due to this most knights disliked the Paladins in general unless an individual could also prove their worth in battle or through some great valorous act, as the highborn nobles disliked having to rub shoulders with the gutter trash. While the pious member of the public may see Samael as a virtuous hero, titled knights such as Ser Alistair and Sir Martin might instead see him as an upstart pretender, and the impious could see him as a blood crazed monster. Carmella really wouldn't get along with him at all, given that she and her people don't follow the teachings of the Church in any way. It works perfectly fine if the profile is written from Samael's point of view however, since most monsters don't realise they're monsters and truly believe they're doing the right thing. Nice choice on the name, by the way. Samael, the Angel of Death; the Venom, the Poison, and the Blindness of God.