Everything had been wrong, that dream was wrong and yet denying that it was anything more than a childish nightmare seemed to stab her in the back like a dagger is the silent killer it is. Lucilia woke up sweating, gripping her blankets as she sat up with side eyes. Nothing seemed right anymore, the walls and floor had betrayed her so what was it that means this wasn’t a dream as well? Her hands immediately went to her locket and she gripped it tightly, but she dared not do anything else with it, not yet. Then she heard Talis speak, wondering if those words were true or they were just meant to draw her out so that she could be ridiculed and taunted by that voice once more. With a few deep breaths she forced herself out of the bed and over to her suit of armor, picking up the chest piece to view the Wolfram emblem. Would those words be true? Would the house be slaughtered and forgotten? No, impossible, that much power would not simply be forgotten, yet those words count to her conscience as if it had been nailed there by a hammer. However, another feeling arose within her, determination. Lucilia would not be forgotten and neither would the Von Wolfram house for she would make sure of that to her dying breath. This Wolf Pack would not be last, and their fangs were not dulled, she would be sure to show that. Quickly, Lucilia out of the armor before sitting down and brushing her raven hair. While it was not as in depth as she would have liked, it would have to do since she would have to take orders from someone who was not her father for once. Upon finishing, she arose and walked to the door, gripping the handle but unable to turn. What if the nightmare would begin anew, remembering that touchering her own father was the most unpleasant thing in her dream. While she feared his harsh touch, and vein the direct cause of her fear, never did it feel like that. With a deep inhale and exhale, she tightened her grip around the handle and opened the door, awaiting the world to turn into blackness. It did not, that was a good thing. A sigh of relief would be heard by any nearby as she began to walk downstairs, having her rapier close to her certainly made her feel better. Her eyes came across Talis and a dwarf, she could only assume it was the one called Barris for she already met Falk and Raux, and Aria did not seem like a male name. [color=lightgray]”Good morning,”[/color] were her only words at the time, instead holding to be silent and take a seat as they awaited the others, her face still holding a cold, arrogant glare.