Atropos waved her hand and started away from the others. "Maybe another time. I'd hate to neglect my other self." She walked down a path for a few minutes, the sky growing darker as she went before becoming pitch black. After a few more minutes of walking the darkness became impenetrable to even her awareness. She knew the path from this point by heart, navigating by memory without even holding out a hand to feel for the walls. Atropos found her chair and sat down. Katarina woke up in her apartment. The warmth of the sun on her arm told her the sun was up high enough to be above the buildings across the street. Working the lever on the side, she brought the recliner into an upright position. Reaching out to the left, she tapped the closest button on her clock. 'The Current Time is Eleven Fifteen.' She nodded to herself. Walking to the fridge, she lifted out a bottle of juice and filled a glass before placing the juice back into its position on the bottom shelf. Returning to the chair, she touched another button on the clock. She listened to a news station but nothing caught her attention by the time the glass was empty. She washed the glass in the sink and placed it back in the cupboard. Throwing on a jacket and her boots, Katarina left for the store, picking her way down the familiar streets of the quiet town.