Here's my character sheet I guess I'm pretty certain there's a few glaring flaws here and there, so I'll fix them after I go to sleep and (hopefully) wake up If I don't wake up then well that's a shame I guess? But yeah, if there's any big issues, just tell me and I'll have them fixed up. Also said big issues are placed there intentionally to test you guys, of course. We'll go with that [hider=Lehariel Leet] “Real world... schmeal schworld! Why the blazes would I want to go back there, when I can be here?!” Appearance: [img][/img] Admittedly I don't know the source image, but I feel it fits the character sooo Name: Lara Rhies/Lahariel Leet Title: (None yet) Gender: Female Age: 20 Race: Human Background: Every school has that ‘quirky kid’ – and for one particular school, that was none other than the young Lara Rhies, an eccentric troublemaker that made her peers alike guffaw, and her teachers gasp. Lara Rhies had been diagnosed with split-personality disorder… or rather, self-diagnosed, though she certainly played this split-personality business up for all its worth. Lara was someone who sought excitement and entertainment, though she wasn’t always capable of finding it – and even when she did, it wasn’t too long before she moved on to something completely different that caught her eye. From games to books, webpages, and even sports, Lara had trouble finding that one thing – that one thing that spoke to her, and brought constant entertainment. Search as she may, that thing never seemed to show. In a vicious cycle, the young Lara would find something that caught her eye, hear about how great it was – only to be sorely disappointed to find out that she set her expectations too high. However, when the first information on the game ‘Talrae’ was revealed, Lara found herself beside herself with excitement. It simply sounded – it simply sounded so interesting! An MMORPG? Great! A virtual reality MMORPG? Astounding, perfect! It wasn’t a mere game… it was an alternate reality, essentially another world! And if there was one thing that sounded certain to Lara… it was that Talrae was going to be an exciting place, full of interesting people. Kind of like a break from the currently boring regular world… And so… Lara thought she’d be one of those interesting people. Not some regular old player, but a character. Playing up her eccentric traits, she created Lahariel Leet. However, when the players found that they were trapped within Talrae… Lara/Lahariel did not act with terror, nor despair… no. She was quite thrilled at this turn of events. While life-threatening, it was no doubt exciting, that was for sure. And today, Lahariel marches to the beat of her own drum, travelling throughout Talrae. Class: Mage Subclass: N/A “Psh, mages are always so defenceless up close. However, I’m far from that! Well, maybe not reaaally far, but kind of far, you know what I’m sayin’?” Health: 500 Mana: 500 (+300, because Mage.) Strength: 6 Agility: 5 Intelligence: 9 Level: 1 Renn: 2 nickels, 2 coppers (12) Experience: 0 Skills: Acrobatics – 4 Axe Wielding – 6 Staff Wielding - 8 Astrology – 2 Acting - 10 Spells: “Light and dark are mere silly putty to me! The powers of them both… are under my command! Be astounded by magic most unimaginable!” [hider=Pure Magic Discipline] Chakra Magic: [/hider] [hider=Light Discipline - "The transient power of light!"] Flash of Light: [/hider] [hider=Darkness Discipline - "Seeping darkness, beckon to my call!"] Nether Pull: [/hider] Actions: N/A, at the moment Items: “The dark powers beyond tell me, to tell you – the best way to be prepared, is to buy good stuff, then buy random stuff with your leftover money.” 1x Wooden Wand: 1x Axe: 1x Cloth Armour: 1x Iron Ring: 1x Sleeping Bag: 2x Scrolls: 1x Ink and Quill: [/hider]