We took the 9 PM bus from Reno to Las Vegas, heading to the famous vacation destination the cheap way. Around midnight, though, the bus broke down and was forced to pull over at a cheap motel. The Bus Company was contacted, but it would be 8 AM the next morning before they could get another bus out here, so they offered to pay for rooms for us in the motel. As soon as we entered our room and closed the door, however, they locked, and shutters closed over the windows. The vents released Laughing Gas into the rooms until we passed out. We woke up in a some sort of lab, strapped to tables. We could hear the doctors talking about their new "test subjects", when there was a commotion. The doorknob on the room broke and sparks flew from all of the electronic systems on it as someone cut their way in. A woman entered the room, her face deformed and her left arm hanging limp from her shoulder. "I'm escaping," she said, "And I'm freeing you, too." She touched the locks on our straps and the tumblers broke, then she handed each of us a small pink crystal shard. "The crystal can respond to your thoughts, altering the matter around you. Just concentrate. The first time you use it, though, it will grow crystals in your blood, a fine powder, like confectioner's sugar. The more crystal you control, the faster it works, but push it too far, and it will heat up." "I don't know where they came from, but the scientists here were using them to alter people, trying to make us stronger, faster, and the like. They didn't do that good of a job. They tried to do too much and screwed up my skin and shoulder. I stole a crystal, though and ran. And you folks need to run too, if you want to live. Use the crystals or don't, I don't care, just know that if you get caught, they'll kill you in one of their experiments." With that she ran off, out the door and down the hall, the sound of pursuing private security echoing from the other end of the hall. [hr] Rules for the crystals: 1) Start small. Like she said, you try too much, the crystals heat up instead of just following your instructions. Even she was only able to cut the tumblers in locks and cut electronic circuits/wires, and heating up the crystals inside of you will hurt. Imagine being burned from the inside. 2) The crystals use energy from your body. You might not feel the small stuff, but the bigger things could tire you out, knock you out, or even kill you. 3) They can manipulate things on both the atomic and subatomic levels, but atomic manipulation generally creates radiation of some form, depending on what you are doing. This could be good or bad, depending on what you want to do. 4) As they tie into your brain, your knowledge can be used to guide them on the proper way to do things. This guidance can be conscious or unconscious, but conscious is generally better unless the knowledge is second nature to you. 5) You can ask the crystals inside of you science questions, and they will use your subconscious mind to do experiments and figure it out. One question at a time, and if you have no idea how to figure it out, they won't know either. 6) You can manipulate your body if you want, but if you don't know exactly what you are doing, it will cause problems. The scientists didn't know exactly what they were doing, and it messed her up pretty badly. 7) The crystals are organic, quantum computers/machines constructed of carbohydrates, diamond tubes, and proteins. They can be instructed to create more, you just need something organic to convert. 8) Once there are crystals in your blood, you can sense other crystals and a unique type of energy they give off. You may see it as a pink glow. [hr] My other RPs seem mostly dead from the server issues, and I had a weird dream last night where someone freed my from a locked hotel, gave me a pink crystal, and I used it to free another person. This is basically how the crystals worked in my dream, so I figured I'd create an RP int check around the idea to see if anyone is interested. In RP, we would be in our normal clothes, but have no equipment, and second later will meet security, so the action will start right away. I would assume our goals would be to escape, then solve the mystery of the crystals, but if the players want to go a different route, that's cool, too.