[color=blue]Roleplay- Blood Act I~ Ghosts of the Past Status- Ongoing Type-Casual, Group[/color] [hider]Characters [hider]UserName: Luna Character name: Summer Flores Age: 18 Mageblood type: Natura Favoured Magic Class: Herbomancy Previous Magic training: Novice Race: Human Appearance:[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ef/9c/87/ef9c876b0495c1f2263a8b79c7a6fd56.jpg[/img] Short Bio: Summer is a girl with a past that no one could ever guess she had. For 7 years of her life she had been locked in a tower, hoping one day her parents would come and free her, but she has no idea that her hope is in vain as she is unaware that her parents were killed just ten days after they locked her away for her protecting. It started before Summer was born. her mother given a beautiful ring by her father as an engagement gift. Little did either know, the ring had a dark and divine curse. Voices, both real and imaginary, cried out in her mother's head and over time, became worse until it threatened to drive her mad. In her frustration at never knowing the source, she one night tossed her ring and shattered it against the stone wall of their home. A loud, unearthly shriek followed by a childish giggle echoed through the house and shortly vanished. A few months later, Summer was born. At the age of 5, she watched as five mysterious men took her sister away from her family during the night while she, her mother and father were tied. After five hours had gone by Summer and family were saved by a servant who had woken up and found them. Summer could only watched as her father tried to get many people to look for her missing sister only to bear bad news. Her sister was never found and eventually they have given up thinking their youngest daughter was most likely already dead and for three years she was trapped inside and was not allowed to go anywhere alone. At the age of 8, something unsual happened. On a cloudy day she was able to finally go outside with her parents permission and she immediately went into the forest that was outside their manor like she did whenever she was allowed to be outside. It was among the dark, rich ground where she found a dying flower that seemed to be withering for quite some time. When she neared the flower, she pricked her finger, causing it to suddenly bloomed with life again. It left her amazed, but also very bewildered of how she did that. Eager to tell her parents, she immediately turned to rush home only to feel herself stagger and crumble. It seemed the suddeness and unexpected use of her mageblood had caused something terrible to happen. Where ever her body laid, her magic seemed to run rampant and out of control. Plants started to crop up but at a dangerous price. She had began to feel weaker and weaker with each passing moment. Her father who grew worried for her went out looking for her and gasped when he saw the condition his daughter was in and immediately rushed her home where he tried to help save his weakening daughter. Her mother rushed in when she heard from a servant that her daughter was rushed to her bed room. She immediately used her own magic to create seals on her daughter's magic and was relief when it worked. Summer woke up several days later feeling weak and she saw her parents sitting there by her side. She was confused at first until the memories of what happened filled her head. She asked them what that was about and they told her of her history, but then her mother reveiled what she did months before she was born and Summer was left shocked and a little scared that her magic nearly ended her young life. She demanded that she should be trained so it didn't happen again. Her mother then told her that she had placed seals on her magic so it wouldn't happen again and that left Summer a little relieved. Her parents made a promise that when she reached her puberty age that they would begin to train her on her power, but little did they know that promise would be broken. On the day of her 11th birthday because one of the worse days of her life. Her family had finally let their guard down since nothing had happened since the night her sister had been kidnapped. During her birthday party which had only her family members, they had heard their door being broken down and a group of people that had the family crest of their rival had entered the house attacking the people. Summer watched frozen as her family struggled to fight back until her mother had picked her up and made a run for it out the back door into the woods leaving Summer to cling to her. She had continued to run til they had reached an old tower where her father and his beloved pet wolf was waiting. Summer was confused when she was brought into the tower and was put down on the bed right near the window. Summer somehow knew that she was going to be trapped and hugged her parents goodbye. She thought she was going to be alone in there, but she was surprised when her father told his beloved pet to stay and protect her. The wolf went over and simply laid next to her obeying the order. She watched as her parents open the trap door that would leave to her the door at the bottom of the tower and waved to her before going down locking the dor shut so she couldn't leave Little did she know the people who had broken into her home was just close by and her parents would never make it back to free her like they promised. 7 years passed and she was still trapped within the tower still full of hope that her parents would come for her soon, but little did she know that would be free soon, but her parents wouldn't be the ones to free her. Good Attributes: She is very blunt when it comes to many things and stubborn when it comes to defending anyone she cares for even if it means putting herself in danger, she has photographic memory, strong willed, seals are in her crown are very diffifult to remove Bad Attributes: She is.a little awekward when it comes to conversations with other popele due to the fact she had only a wolf to talk to for 7 years,has a huge fear of thunder storms, had almost no control of her power since she never used them before, her magic almost has a mind of its own, continuing to use itself long after her energy levels have gone. This means that without her seals, when Summer tries to use her basic Novice power, there's a high chance her magic will treat it like a Master had cast it. She would get a master level result, but she would also be dead. Secret Word: Range[/hider] [hider]Username: Luna Character name: Colette Filiatraut Age: Appear 16-18 but is 231 Mageblood Type: Obiligatio Favoured Magic Class: Demonmancy Previous Magic Training: None Race: Vampire Appearance [img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/f/2013/091/e/c/cdr___miss_cdr_by_reveia-d5s91sc.png[/img] (Her new appearance) Short Bio: She lived in a large manor with her parents as a young girl, an aristocratic family. Colette was but a human child. Her family had been a very social, and rich family, hosting many parties for others. Colette was always expected to behave in a very polite, and lady like manor, and she did so quite well. One particular party, however, Her parents hosted a much larger social gathering then normal, An uninvited guest, snuck in, a vampire. Late at night for a midnight blood lust. He layed his eyes upon the young human girl who had secluded herself in her room, brushing her hair in front of a vanity before bed, The vampire had calmly brought himself into her room, was quick to cover her mouth and bit into her neck. She started changing over the next few days, and it wasn't until a little while later that her parents had caught onto her bizarre changes. She'd keep all the curtains in her room shut, staying in her dim room. She wouldn't come out during the day very much, and during dinner she'd request meats 'rare', which before then she had been a strict vegan. This had gone on for a good little while, and Colette had been suppressing her blood lust for quite some while, but being such a young vampire, she'd found herself growing weaker and weaker by the day, she knew she would wither away if she had gone on any longer, during the night she had attacked one of the maids of the manor. Unfortunately, being inexperienced she had bit incorrectly, causing the woman to bleed out to her death- Colette had screamed in terror and agony- this wasn't her intention, and she never wanted anyone to die. The scream echoed throughout the mansion, as butlers, other maids, and along with her parents ran down to the kitchen, to find Colette over top of a lifeless body, covered in her blood- particularly by her mouth. The Filiatrault manor was a family filled with their own pride, word could not set foot outside of the immediate location about the happening that night, and the transformation of the sole heir of the Filiatrault family. So they locked her away in a small cage located inside of her bed room, twisted in their own sick secrets, the parents would every Friday evening sacrifice one of the guests at the luxurious parties in order for their daughter to live, at such a frail age of thirteen, her blood lust was much to strong to be satisfied, so it took the lives of many, but the burden was too deep and ultimately the Filiatrault family, and help, withered away into their own madness. Of the surviving help, many had run away, insane from having to sacrifice the lives of many. One maid had taken pity on Colette, such a young girl who had to kill to survive, Before attempting to escape she entered Colette's room, offering her freedom from the tiny cage in exchange for her never leaving the manor expect when she needed to feed. Agreeing, she allowed Colette to escape, before Colette had greedily taken the life of the poor maid, although keeping her word, she never left the mansion expect for nights she needed to feed. Living like this, for a century. Good Attributes: Unknown but will be find out Bad Attributes: Blood Lust: For centuries she had trouble with her blood lust and it always gotten control of her o the point she would kill Memories: She is surrounded by a dark past that she could never escape from and her eyes will always hold sadness Secret Word: Rebirth Rewards: Assimilation Ring (Roc Mission)[/hider][/hider]