[quote=@Metamore] [Color=rosybrown]"Come on, girl. We've got, uh . . ."[/color] Rin was shortly stumped for a nickname before snapping their fingers! [Color=rosybrown]"Wadjeda! We've got Wadjeda, so let's go figure out whatever this place is supposed to be."[/color] Deigning to take it easy on their lungs, Rin settled for speedwalking the rest of the way the Solar Panel and Windmill Farm [/quote] Rin walked through the vast array of windmills and solar panels. Black fences, nearly 8 foot tall, kept people and Pokemon from getting to close to the equipment. In effect, this created a sort of black fence maze, as they weren't arranged in perfect rows. As Rin turned one of these black fenced corners, a wild [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Skarmory_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Skarmory[/url] landed in front of them. At first, he didn't notice the trainer's presence. But the crunching of dirt gave them away. His metallic wings made a soft screeching noise as he turned to face the trainer. It was hard to see any particular emotion behind his steely physique, but his eyes screamed [u][i][b]lonely[/b][/i][/u]. [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read]A wild Skarmory has landed in front of Rin. He is level 15.[/hider]