Hello everyone, I am SurvivalistJ, I look forward to writing and creating a story with you all. I am a male originally from England, however I am currently backpacking around Australia (so I may have patchy WiFi!). I first started roleplaying around 2007, starting my career on MSN with a group of Harry Potter roleplayers, looking back it was super cringie filled with half line actions, awful writing and tons and tons of smut. I then moved on to Harry Potter roleplay forums where the roleplay improved and actual stories devolped. In 2008/2009 I found San Andreas Multiplayer, a mod for the popular San Andreas game that allowed multiplayer on a single player game and custom game modes. I played on two of the main roleplay servers on and off for nearly ten years! When GTA:V multiplayer modification was released I moved onto the new very buggy roleplay servers to continue roleplaying. At the end of 2017, I sold up all my worldly possessions apart from a mobile and a laptop, ended the lease on my home and flew one-way to Australia to start my backpacking travels. I am on the road with patchy internet, often working in outback farms so please excuse my disappearances and late replies, I'll always get back to you when I can! Looking forward to speaking soon! - SurvivalistJ