[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DGzsiXJ.png[/img][/center] Three decades ago, London was stolen by bats. Dragged deep into the earth by the Echo Bazaar. The sun is gone. All we have is the gas-light of Mr Fires. But Londoners can get used to anything. And it's quiet down here with the devils and the darkness and the mushroom wine. Peaceful. Or so it would appear at a first glance anyway. It might not exactly [i]be[/i] the case, not after that masquerade. [hr] Oh hello, it is you! Welcome to the interest check, delicious friend! ...what, you are telling me greeting people in that manner will weird them out rather than draw them in? Maybe you are right. Just know that it is most common of judgemental hats to greet people like that. Not that I was from Polythreme. Or a hat. But I am getting ahead of myself, am I? So, I am planning to set up an RP set in the Neath, a most interesting locale provided to us by the great Failbetter Games (FBG for short). Their games at the moment include Sunless Seas, Sunless Skies and the eldest, the very Fallen London I am drawing most from, though we may end up leaving the city at some point it will always remain the "home base" so to speak. We'll be back. After all, we couldn't stray too far from the Bazaar. What is the Bazaar, you ask? A good question. Nobody really knows, except perhaps the Masters. We are quite sure it's a sentient thing though. Whether you know much of the setting beforehand or not is not important here. While experience is always a nice tool to possess, I will be doing my best to give enough information to give anyone the chance to participate! The most important things are as follows: It's victorian era England with gothic and perhaps Lovecraftian undertones. Everything takes place below ground, next to the mighty Unterzee the size of Europe. Surface is deadly. Death here in the Neath is not exactly permanent, though most certainly inconvenient. What the RP itself will be about, well that is a mystery. No, not that [i]I[/i] wouldn't know. But that's for our characters to find out. It all started from a rather intimate masquerade ball, no more than thirty people present. And when it came time for the host to share the reason of the gathering, the sudden appearance of not only Mr. Wines but another cloaked figure just as well would draw everyone's attention. Why would the Masters gather this ragtag bunch together? So, in case of interest, you know what to do! In case of questions, follow that procedure but leave a question instead of the usual message! Now, I'll just press this "Create Topic" button here before I question my ability to write an interest check once again...