Ignoring the fact that guild issues forced the first post to be split into 2 smaller ones: The RP has officially begun. [url=https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/soccer?iso=20180211T17&p0=%3A&msg=Week+1+Deadline&ud=1&font=cursive]Here's a link to the post timer[/url]: Essentially every two weeks of IRL time we'll advance the RP time by 1 week. If you're working on a post when the week changes over, just finish it and mention when it was taking place before moving on to your next one. Also, here's some of our WIP NPCs. Once they have more actually written we'll migrate them over to their place in the Character tab. [hider=NPCs] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e1/12/9c/e1129c38062a04ef915c69344f3da6ed.jpg[/img] Name: Trinity Blurb: Works as a personal trainer along with her father (Employee, not owner) at one of the more popular gym's in Drumvar [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/04/9a/7d/049a7df9021c790fbf25bc2f7a186795.jpg[/img] Name: Jackson Blurb: Local pet shop employee (because of course), has a particular fondness for birds. Can usually be seen at one of the local parks if not working. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/15/a1/44/15a144d1d6b57cb16b91a3a10625ec3f.jpg[/img] Name: Alexis Blurb: Full time student at the University, studying Business. Her father owns an accounting firm in town. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/0d/e1/a7/0de1a7b135bfb00c4563d4665c2291ba.jpg[/img] Name: Vanessa Blurb: American: Seems to be a young and (very) successful artist actually making it on her own. Nice, but full of herself. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e8/7e/08/e87e08183a26ca04d597ca9ad2f0becb.jpg[/img] Name: Dongmei Blurb: Parents have owned a restaurant in town for ages. Studying Medicine at the university, otherwise works full time at her parents' shop and sleeps. Nice, but no friends or social life. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bc/49/8b/bc498b0edeb7798089c2feb4a2ba11ea.jpg[/img] Name: Robert Blurb: Clearly owns a tattoo shop. And a dog. (Sometimes you have to work with what the image gives you, people.) [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/aa/08/72/aa08722027d1873d4f6949b3e1eb57b8.jpg[/img] Name: Marcus Blurb: Local librarian, helpful but not too attached to the town or social, relatively new to the area. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/84/48/70/844870ea680c6b74e25f0f92f26c01b1.jpg[/img] Name: Andrew Blurb: Brother of Alexis, and almost her complete opposite. Also studying Business, but spends most of his time drinking and barely keeping his grades above water. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b5/80/fe/b580fe05df2543743f7b534b567f6aed.jpg[/img] Name: Duncan Blurb: While not employed by the castle, he's a historian who has taken an interest in it, and acts as an unofficial tour guide if he happens to be around. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/19/10/77/19107704119015eb5e9aae43b0b8579f.jpg[/img] Name:Conrad Blurb: Manages a trucking company that deals with a lot of the shipping to and from the local businesses. Bit of a dickhead, his wife recently left him and took their kids. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a5/64/10/a56410c9808f8374f63a37ae1b49f38b.jpg[/img] Name:Charlie Blurb: Chain smoker, owner of Charlie's Cafe. Not afraid to get his hands dirty and help his employees at the grill if needed, but can also have a short fuse with his employees- never customers. Bit of a mixed bag. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7e/a4/19/7ea419432df5e197957753d293bf7feb.jpg[/img] Name: Jean Blurb: Bit eccentric, owns combination flower/specialist spice shop. Some of the spices are grown herself, but many have to be imported, obviously. [hr] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/06/a2/fb/06a2fbc04557d484f8eeb34ef3ea5216.jpg[/img] Name: Jackie Blurb: Single mother, works part time jobs to support herself and her daughter. Dotes on her child but is a bit of a bitter bitch to others at this point in her life.[/hider]