[center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/345318975846219779/394251903728615424/Faith.gif[/img] ~ [i]Argumentative[/i] ~[/center] Cyrus's sudden and impromptu entry left a lot to be desired in the eyes of Faith, lacking much of the formailty and professionalism she might have expected from the Infinite Politician. As he stormed in, letting the doors swing shut with a bang on their own, she threw him a little hello wave, seemingly and relatively oblivious to the apparent danger of the situation. Much to her dismay, he didn't return the action. He began, and finished, quickly, laying out the events clearly, concisely, taking charge at the moments notice; no less than she expected. She reached into her pocket, withdrawing the Tome and a random coloured felt tip - yellow, this time - and flipped to around halfway, scribbling something out before writing another thing down. Cyrus was something of a disappointment, in that way, but it was all material she could work with. Sitting, listening to everyone's discussions, arguments, about what to do and how best to go about saving Krista, or not as the case may have had it, Faith couldn't help drifting, concocting a master plan that would rival the greatest exploits in history. Everyone arguing back and forth, repeating the same points "Fight this" "Give her that" "Talk about this" had her head spinning, but not in the way a good mystery confounded her; how she longed for precognitive abilities if merely to cease the seemingly endless squabble. Davis's abrupt appearance perked her up a little, but with more frustration than excitement than anything. [colour=MediumSeaGreen]"Davis!"[/colour] she exclaimed at the screen as the image of their captor winked out, no doubt attracting the odd looks from a few of the others, [colour=MediumSeaGreen]"Release the Magic Dampening Field at once, before I relay your machinations to The Council, Warlock! They shan't be as lenient as I!"[/colour] but to no avail. Instead, she found herself and the others face to face with their least favourite mascot, Monokuma. Faith found herself strained to stop herself demanding Davis be summoned, and instead listened in to what the bear had to say. And as much as she hated to admit it, his offer was fantastic. Much the same as with the battle against Alexandria, as Noel had informed her, they would be granted access to the next floor for destroying the Sister. It would be during the Night of Carnage, so they'd have to fight her Carnage Class Chassis, but they would be able to put it out of commission for good; the added difficulty was just a small price to pay. Finding a pause between the constant arguments that seemed to ravage the Diner, Faith tried her best to make herself known. [colour=MediumSeaGreen]"Uuuuuum, Hiya guys! I'm Faith - kinda new, Infinite Matchmaker - all that cooooool stuff."[/colour] she quickly ran through her introduction, [colour=MediumSeaGreen]"I might not be of much help, cause [i]somebody[/i]-"[/colour] she shot a glance towards Monokuma, [colour=MediumSeaGreen]"-decided to set up an Anti-Magic Field, buuuuuuut we should totally fight! We've got a bunch of strong Infinites, ahem, and me, and anyways, you guys already took down one of their Chassis things before, right?"[/colour] And then, she turned to Aleecia. [colour=MediumSeaGreen]"Cause y'know Aleecia... Allie. Allie? Can I call you Allie?"[/colour] she paused for a second, thinking, [colour=MediumSeaGreen]"I'm gonna call you Allie~! Buuuuut, we can't just give you up. Didn't you hear, Nariko won't give Krista up even if you do go there, and talking isn't gonna work - if the Robots here are anything like my old game, they've got enough screws loose to make a new cabinet! Or... robot - but the point still stands! Plus you're young, I bet, and cute at that - no way can I let us waste such a prime candidate for shipping~!"[/colour]