[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dNTpes5.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/rBQ99TU.gif[/img] [/center] [color=lightblue]”Like, don't try to make this about you and me, Mr politician! Trust is something we all have.”[/color] Jezebel balled her hand into a fist. [color=lightblue]”You're totally fooling yourself if you think we can openly trust a 'leader' who hides things from us.”[/color] [color=0076a3]"You can't be serious, Jez. How can you justify throwing a life away like that?" [/color] Zachary's remark had snatched Jezebel's attention away from Cyrus. [color=lightblue]”Seriously?!”[/color] The clown turned around and marched towards the archer, with Cyrus just being an afterthought. [color=lightblue]”Like, I didn't hear you tell anyone that when Aleecia's life was in danger. Like, is it only throwing life away when it's someone you care about? The other infinites have killed more of us than the grody robots have!”[/color] Bliss was still undecided. She hated how some of the infinites were acting, but it was understandable that everyone would be a little rowdy. This wasn't some action flick where the good guys were fated to win. It was more like a horror, where there were no good options and they all ended in death. Bliss was snapped out of her trance when a pair of small hands latched onto her. When she looked down, she could see Caora nestling up against her, pleading to make the arguing stop. While the nanny didn't have the power to do that, she was able to decide where she stood on things. [color=#F08172]”It's too dangerous.”[/color] She said while hugging Caora. [color=#F08172]”We can't risk more lives to save Krista. Even if you're willing to sacrifice yourselves, think about the people who rely on you.”[/color] She looked at everyone. [color=#F08172]”I want Krista back just as badly as everyone else. But I don't want to see anyone get hurt to do it.”[/color] Bliss covered her face with her hands. It felt awful to say, but how many more people would die if they fought the sisters tonight? Meanwhile, Denis seemed to be oblivious to what was going on, preferring to flirt with the dice master instead of talk seriously about the situation. [color=8882be]"Ayy baby we can't give you to them, because I will give it to you."[/color] Denis smiled to himself, unconcerned with the glares from the other infinites. [color=8882be]"No wonder you the infinite dice master, because you rolled a ten baby." [/color] Bliss was appalled, how could anyone expect to be taken seriously talking like that? [color=8882be]“Are you from Tennessee because you’re the only ten I see.”[/color] Wasn't he suppose to be Russian?[color=8882be]"Hello babushka are you communist cause I make you..."[/color] The room erupted into chaos shortly afterward. The infinites talked over one another, and no resolution could be made. Not everyone present was even talking about Krista's predicament. But the chaos was quickly drowned out when Monokuma Pulled an air horn out of his mouth and blasted it for a good five seconds. He waited for everyone to quiet down and turn towards him before speaking. [color=magenta]”You know what? I've recently been watching a lot more American sports. Particularly football. It's hard to not get absorbed in all the violence.”[/color] Monokuma pulled a football helmet out from behind his back and placed it on his head. Some of the infinites would remember him dawning it the night Calvin was captured. [color=magenta]”And they have this position called a scrum. Any time a reset in play is needed, everyone on both teams lines up in front of an opponent and pushes against each other.”[/color] The bear giggled. [color=magenta]”So let's restart play, shall we? Doctor's orders.”[/color] [center] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32GWbQt_Zn4[/youtube] [/center] A lever popped up beside Monokuma, and with a simple tug, the room started to transform. The chairs and tables collapsed into the floor, and a single counter that ran the length of the diner emerged. Even the ground shifted, separating everyone into teams depending on their stance on Krista's rescue. Once everyone was in position, the lights on the ceiling dimmed a bit. Even though they weren't on the roller coaster, it felt a bit like the court of carnage. [color=magenta]”Man, it feels like I've done something like this before... Anyway, you guys can start screaming at each other now. Hopefully you'll find doing things this way a bit more productive.”[/color] Monokuma pulled the cage over his face as everyone lined up at the counter.