[center][color=7ea7d8][h3][u]Eleanor Jehenne[/u][/h3][/color][/center] Then everything exploded. At least, that's what seemed to happened. The Lance Corporal barely had time to register the dead, ancient entity, before a horde of possessed adventurers, a massive worm, a swarm of suckling giant mosquitos, and a rotting necormancer burst forth straight from Eleanor's childhood nightmares. Then, apparently, one of her teammates took it upon herself to immediately cover everything in flames, spouting nonsensical phrases. Then, the oni yelled really fucking loud. So, the flames were obscuring her vision, and she couldn't hear a God-forsaken thing. She felt something large land on her head and with a clenched fist, she smacked away the horrific flying abberation. Unsheathing her sword, eyes wide and teeth clenched, Jehenne was desperate to get away from the oncoming army of evil incarnate. Luckily, muscle memory took over to prevent her from screaming like a little girl and jumping into the pit and hoping her neck broke before she became a zombie. Instead, she held her weapon in her right hand and interposed her shield of Jumme between herself and the nearest ex-adventurer. She'd never seen anything like it. One eye was still visible from beyond the caked layer of corrupted flesh that pulled the being's maw wide. A terrible groaning whisper escaped it's throat before it swung forth with a wicked fist. It slammed against Eleanor's shield with a wet slap, which Eleanor quickly diverted away, sending the humanoid creature off balance. Eleanor sliced the being's offending arm clean off, and watched it spiral back into the pit out of the corner of her eye. She put the death-seeker out of it's misery with a follow-up stroke across the neck that seperated the head from the rest of it's decaying body. It went limp and fell ontop of one of it's compratriates and they both tumbled into darkness. A flying creature turned from the swarm and bee-lined towards Eleanor. It was incinerated. Then, another one began it's descent towards her- lucky enough to avoid the flames. Timing the swing just right, the flying organism was bifurfacted by her sword as it sailed pass, lifeless. [color=7ea7d8]"Form a circle!"[/color] She echoed the wayward knights command, and raising her shield, reversed away from the battle, calling for a retreat back to safety. She stood by Scholar Printh and Sir Dirron, joining the yet-to-be formation. Several hovering minions approached, but she cut them out of the air and kept them at bay as they harried her.