[quote=@Raylah]I have a sudden urge to play someone clinicaly insane :)[/quote] Sanity is gauged by comparison to those around you. Having said that, you'll probably be considered entirely sane by most of the other characters. :D [quote=@Raylah]You can never have too many knives.[/quote] Unless they're sticking out of your body, having just been thrown with considerable force into you. [hr] [quote=@Zoey White]...ready to pilot your ships while giving witty quips...[/quote] Good luck trying to control a semi-organic, shapeshifting ship without its permission. Dae doesn't like sharing her things with anyone. Well, some of her things. [hr] [quote=@superservo27][b]Ship Appearance:[/b] http://ship.shapewright.com/?name=LUcoa [/quote] That's a nice program, but some of the designs really don't work. [indent][color=silver][b]Designer:[/b] "Okay, we have a large cannon mounted on the main hull. What next? I know, we'll mount the engine block directly behind it, the habitation deck right in front of it and the cargo bays either side of it. What could possibly go wrong?"[/color] :hehe[/indent]