[h1][color=f2a19d]Wᴀᴄᴏɴɪᴀ Wʜᴇᴀᴛʟᴇʏ[/color][/h1][hr] The young bar keep and her new found acquaintance Astrid talked back and forth between one another, speaking about how life in the mine was and how life down in town were. The two exchanged laughter as they admitted to both of the lives having struggles. [color=f2a19d]"Yes, I'll see you at the party Astrid!"[/color] she nodded watching the girl and her big lovable dog leave. Grabbing up the bowl of water she had provided for the dog she dumped out the rest into the bar sink, grabbing a mop to clean up the mess. Waconia didn't mind much, she would rather have a happy customer (even one that didn't pay) than have a pristine bar. Though, she did pride herself in having a pretty well maintained establishment despite it's age and constant use. After cleaning up a bit, Waconia made the drink she had planned for the party, looking to her notes she read the details again: [i]Ice 2 tbsp red sanding sugar 1/3 part grenadine + rim 2/3 part Sambuca 2 part milk Maraschino cherries for garnish??[/i] She decided she definitely would use the cherries, so it looked more festive. Combining all the ingredients an adult milkshake was born, a beautiful pink resembling the cherry blossoms that would soon be all over the town of Valibree. Waconia smiled, taking a sip of her creation. [color=f2a19d]"Mmm, delicious."[/color] she cooed, wiping the resonance from her lips with the back of her hand. She poured that batch into a large punch bowl. She then created another version this time virgin- so the children and non alcohol drinkers of the town could enjoy the smoothie as well. It was just as delicious and most definitely as refreshing. She poured this smaller batch into a pitcher and placed them both in the industrial sized fridge. Climbing the stairs back to her small apartment Waconia undressed herself and took a shower. She wanted to look good for the party but not overly dressed. After blow drying her hair and styling it her normal way, she adorned herself in a simple grey scaled dress and some crisp white pumps. She didn't get to wear those often, as they would be dirty within moments. She scrunched the neck of her resting cat, giving him some love and attention before walking down the steps, a small gasp escaped from her lips as she was met with Aizum once again today. She smiled, [color=f2a19d]"Back again already?"[/color] she laughed, walking up to the bar. She really should have locked the door and close the place so she wouldn't have to deal with any more customers before the party at Mayor McByrd's manor. [color=f2a19d]"Want to be the first to try my celebration concoction Aizum?"[/color] Waconia knew the man was blunt and if it was terrible he'd let her know. She got him a small cup, and presented it to him, hoping he'd give his approval. About an hour later Waconia had her punch bowl pressed up against her hip and her pitcher in her other hand. She shook Aizum away for helping her, she wanted to do everything herself. After locking up the bar she made her trek to the mayor's place. Quite a few people had showed up already and the arrangement of food was miraculous. Coming up the path she noticed Red leaving, [color=f2a19d]"You trying to leave before I even arrive Red?"[/color] Waconia asked, a small smirk spread across her lips as she walked past him. She wasn't going to beg him to stay, she had no right to do so- but she hoped that her being there now would be enough to change his mind. Continuing to walk past him she placed her gifts on the table. [color=f2a19d]"Good evening everyone! Happy New Year!"[/color] she cheered, happily chatting with people as they approached her whilst keeping a eye on Hope like she had promised. [hider=Oᴜᴛꜰɪᴛ Fᴏʀ Pᴀʀᴛʏ][img]https://image.prntscr.com/image/TPyXbwFhR4_zLfxi-dConw.png[/img][/hider]