As Dyn garnered Jill's attention, she nodded and withdrew the pearl from her pack. "It will take me a few minutes, but I can gladly identify it. I will need to take the necklace, of course." Jill retrieved the jewelry and began concentrating on it, humming a tune to herself as she leaned against the wall of the cavern, floating lightly in the water. About eleven minutes later, she began to get a more complete picture of the item's properties, which she shared with the group. This was a Necklace of Elemental Fury (requires attunement by a spellcaster), and each bead contained a spell effect for a different element. There were seven orbs in the necklace: Red for [i][url=]Fireball[/url][/i], Orange for [i][url=]Melf's Acid Arrow[/url][/i] (as a level 3 spell), Yellow for [i][url=]Lightning Bolt[/url][/i], Green for [i][url=]Stinking Cloud[/url][/i], Blue for [i][url=]Sleet Storm[/url][/i], Black for [i][url=]Vampiric Touch[/url][/i], and White for [i][url=]Spirit Guardians[/url][/i]. As an Action, one can pull one of the beads from the necklace and cast the spell appropriate for the color bead. At dawn each day, up to 1d6+1 used beads return (in order of the colors listed above). If all seven beads are depleted, roll 1d20. On a 1, the necklace turns nonmagical and loses all properties.