Miles spared Jacoby a reproachful look, hoping that he wouldn't attempt another argument with his brother, as neither of them had ever seemed to get along with each other, even before the outbreak. Aeron saw Jacoby as nothing more than an idiot, whereas Jacoby was terrified of Aeron. Not to mention that Aeron was the reason that Jacoby insisted that gun control laws should be stricter. The one trait that the two shared was their stubborn streak, but, in the end, Aeron knew how to keep a fight going even when it didn't need to. It was what he'd been trained for, after all. Checking that his revolver remained in its holster on his hip, paranoid as ever that it might have been knocked loose at some point, Miles added, "Let's avoid firing, if we can. It attracts them." Instead, he unsheathed the knife, the one that he and Aeron had once just used on camping and hiking trips. He knew that Aeron disagreed with him on the gun issue. He wanted them to keep their distance, something that melee combat just didn't provide. But Miles didn't think that it was worth bringing in an entire horde just to eliminate a small group of them; Aeron didn't seem to believe or trust him, though. He claimed that it was just Miles' paranoid imagination acting up again; a zombie's hearing wouldn't improve just because their sight was turned to shit. Wouldn't the rest of their senses degrade, as well? Sure, one would think so, but, to Miles, at least, it didn't seem to be the case, and if zombies could exist to begin with, then what was left to prevent yet another mystery?