[@Genni] Aye, but according to how those nobles and barons and the like acted in all the histories and the like we have, it's much more likely that quarrels will come about. Some will be so political, and some may be genuinely angry, without much restraint, and draw a weapon, demanding that they be heard, or violence shall ensue. Such is human nature, to be honest. And on the other hand, I never said that your character wasn't already there, or picking on you for having your character announced. I just wanted it to be aware that all our characters have already been here. They have already been announced elsewhere, for a different, probably much lengthier ceremony. So, if anyone wrote anything about first greetings or the like, they are either mistaken or so graveful late that they have caused a black mark- for being so disrespectful as not to arrive on time for the actual ceremony, and alienating their entire representative region for not declaring fealty with everyone else. Which would have severe political ramifications, even if the Queen dismisses the slight.