Aeron barely refrained from snapping at his brother, but that wouldn't have gotten them no where; they would continue this conversation later when they weren't in the presence of the third wheel. No matter how much sense he was making or the experience that he had in these situations, Jacoby would always side with Miles because that was his friend. "Don't worry about me. Just watch out for yourself." He quickly walked over to the door and pressed against the wall before leaning his head through the entrance slightly to listen better. Indeed, there were zombies inside and could make out at least two different sets of shuffling feet, but there were no tellings how many were actually inside. The depot was a fairly large building and he knew there had to be more deeper inside that their ears couldn't pick up on. "There are at least two inside near the front of the store, but there's surely more in there. If we're going in quietly, then stick to the walls so they can't sneak in behind us, then we'll work our way into the middle. You two take the left flank and I'll go to the right. If either of you think you cannot handle the situation, do not hesitate to use the gun..." He then shot Miles a stern look. "I'm not playing with you."