Felix listened to Travis's proposal, and was quite pleasantly surprised when he brought up the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. There was something to be said about environmental development, and language was indeed a part of the environment. Of course, this was not the first time Felix had heard about this hypothesis, it was the basic foundation of high runic formula crafting. The more languages a mage understood, the more powerful he was at crafting runes, that is essentially what it amounted to. Felix snapped his fingers, "Travis, I must say that you are a genius. Each language has a structure of rules specific to its composure. Because of this fact, certain languages are more efficient than others. In terms of written language, this is especially true. What you said gave me an idea, though it isn't exactly along the same lines as your idea. I am not dismissing your idea, mind you. But just entertain me for a moment. Because of my past as a member of the Church, I am most proficient in Latin and Greek. I also know some hebrew and aramaic. The problem with Latin and Greek in written form is that it is not exactly space efficient. They both have the same problem that English does. Each character in the written language corresponds to a certain short sound, and the composure of both is of consonants and vowels. Very efficient. Ancient hebrew, however was only composed of consonants, leaving it up to the writer's elaboration, or in most cases, the reader's interpretations to discern a meaning of a text. It made it much more efficient but also much more contextual. Precision is everything in ancient hebrew spell crafting. One small clerical error could prove fatal. It was not until later that these simple letterings were enhanced through the addition of small dots and lines underneath and above the already established characters to denote vowel pronunciation and hard and soft consonants, it gave their language its much needed context. Of course, since the already established letters were denoted with small dots and dashes for context, the efficiency of the language is still very much so intact." Felix stopped his diatribe, and took a moment to collect his thoughts. He felt like he was rambling, and knew it was because of the fatigue he was experiencing. Felix was glad that Travis offered to make more coffee. The coffee pot was next to the miniature refrigerator which was sitting on a wall-mounted counter top next to the large laboratory sinks at the west side of the room. They were currently sitting on the east side of the room. The minifrige had all manner of coffee creamers with different flavors. Felix liked his with Italian sweet creme flavored creamer. Felix walked over to the new pot of coffee with his empty cup in hand and began to carefully concoct his coffee how he liked it: 3/4's of the cup with black coffee and the rest with Italian sweet creme creamer. He sat back down and took a long gulp of the hot liquid, tears forming in his eyes from the almost dangerous temperature of the new coffee. He slammed his cup down and let out a sigh of relief, "Come to me caffeine, you sweet but cruel mistress." Felix said aloud as he stretched his arms out. "As I was saying. hebrew is pretty efficient when it comes ot runic creation. Unfortunately, i am not very proficient in the usage of hebrew, and I think there is a better way still. I am not that proficient in any asian languages, the only one I understand roughly is Japanese. While I do understand the writing structure of Japanese better than I understand actually speaking the language, I know enough to understand that if used properly, analytic logograms such as Japanese kanji or Chinese hanzi tend to be very efficient and precise, especially in rune crafting. Perhaps we could look at a few of these languages and craft a rune using one of these more efficient languages." Felix finished expositing his idea, taking a large swig of his coffee once more. The effect of the caffeine was certainly taking effect. The warm feeling of an increased heart rate gave Felix a second wind, although it was more like a sixth wind at this point. [hr] Raiya drained her bath, and got dressed. Her mind couldn't put down the call she just had. She continued to turn it over and over in her head until it began to frustrate her. Eventually Raiya decided to pay a visit to her old penthouse early. She took her time to construct a long distance transportation portal, with a variation of a well-known kanji rune spell 輸 the kanji for transport. After a portal opened up, she stepped through to the warm light of her old penthouse where Tsukihi was now commanding Raiya's gang in her stead. The penthouse seemed fairly empty, and, because the portal dropped her right at the massive fully stocked bar, Raiya decided to take a moment to craft herself a long island iced tea. Raiya took a shot of each component as she mixed, drinking a shot of triple-sec, white rum, gin and tequila, before actually mixing the ingredients together in a separate cup. She sat down at the bar after concocting her cocktail, and began to feel the effects of all the alcohol she just downed. It had been a while since she had drank that much, so the effects of the large amount of liquor she imbibed took hold much quickly than anticipated. Raiya set her head down on the bar and let the effect of the depressant take hold. Her face felt flushed and her hands and feet felt warm. She was enjoying her drunken state a little too much when Tsukihi snuck up behind Raiya and placed her hand on her shoulder which startled Raiya to the point where she almost fell off of her stool. [color=00a99d]"Ma'am..."[/color] Tsukihi said in a concerned voice, [color=00a99d]"Ah thought you were coming in the morning."[/color] She added. [color=ec008c]"I was... I'm just... I couldn't ignore what you said. So I came to see if you heard anything else."[/color] Tsukihi sat down at the stool directly right of Raiya. [color=00a99d]"Affirmative, ma'am but you ain't gunna like it."[/color] Tsukihi pulled out the inlaid mana crystal from her dial and placed the flat end on the bar-top. She tapped the blue half-sphere a few times before a holographic video scene began to play before them scaled down to 1/16th of the original size of the event. [color=00a99d]"We have this new technology that allows us to take latent mana-waves of an area where recent events have taken place and reconstruct a rough simulation of what happened based on the echoing mana-waves. This is what happened."[/color] The dealers were standing around a barrel-fire like usual, the whole scene was in a pale blue tint, and the smaller details of the people were absent. Their faces were blank slates, but the rough shape of the clothing that they wore could be seen. The dealers that were around the barrel-fire all wore hoodies instead of their gang-jackets. The police would not mess with them regardless, but making the dealers look like the regular homeless population helped keep things more inconspicuous. The seen progressed until a large figure, about 6' from what Raiya could tell, entered the scene. He was wearing what looked like a suit, his hair was slicked back, though Raiya could not tell the color. He walked swiftly up to the dealers surrounding the barrel, and in an instant, with his bare fists, proceeded to kill and or wound all three of the dealers. The first one took a hard punch to the face, and then was instantly picked up and dumped into the barrel of fire. The second two received punches to the neck, crumpling in unconscious piles. The figure then leaned down to pick up the three paper bags of narcotics that the dealers had by their feet. He eventually walked out of scene. [color=ec008c]"Wait, so this can show us where he is right now then, right? Let's go teach this punk not to fuck with the Crux gang."[/color] Raiya said angrily. [color=00a99d]"Sorry ma'am, but the technology takes two hours to render a scene like the one you saw, and it can only be used to capture a 15 foot square area. This is only meant to show us what happened not tell us where the guy went."[/color] Tsukihi explained. [color=ec008c]Damnit! So we have no leads at all? What about our guys in the police department, or at the morgue? These dealers were all mages how could they be taken out by a punch like that?"[/color] Raiya's frustration was only exasperated by her drunken state. [color=00a99d]"Our guys at the police department do not know anything who did this. He seems to be new around. The morgue only confirmed what we already knew, our guys were taken down by brute force and nothing else. That guy, whoever he is, he's strong. But we did find something interesting, residual magic waves from a spell on each of the bodies. It appears that this guy was enhancing his punches with magic."[/color] Tsukihi explained. Raiya downed the last of her drink and slammed the glass down on the bar. [color=ec008c]"So is there no good news at all then?"[/color] Raiya asked in a pleading tone. [color=00a99d]"Well, we have increased security detail on all of our dealers. And we have placed surveillance around every drop and pickup point. If he attempts this again, we will catch him."[/color] Tsukihi replied. She then snapped her fingers, a brief flare of red flames signifying the conjuring from Tsukihi's mana inventory, after the flames dissipated, Three boxes of specialty made .45 ACP rounds each containing 50 rounds sat in the place where the flames once were. [color=00a99d]"Go back to whatever duty you have obliged yourself to, and take these. Don't worry yourself over this, ma'am, we've got this under control."[/color] Raiya waved her hand over the rounds, depositing them into her mana inventory with a flair of pink electricity. She then turned around and stepped off the stool. Raiya placed her hand on Tsukihi's left shoulder. [color=ec008c]"You're a good friend, and a good substitute leader. Thanks for being patient with me."[/color] Raiya spoke softly before leaving through the portal she still had open. The portal closed behind her with a sharp electrical sound. She was back in her room at Manor De Felix. These recent revelations and her empty stomach had placed Raiya into a particularly bad mood. Raiya went downstairs to fix herself a simple sandwich, and another stiff drink. Standing at the counter-space she busied herself with putting together a rough dinner. (For reference it is currently 8:00 PM at Felix's Manor.)