[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/312091373136248835/378425599015911431/cooltext265165307791979.png[/img][/center] [center]In[/center] [center][color=ec008c]Flowers are not always Sweet[/color][/center] With the morning hours just about over, Eva sat watching the little people the Clan as they were. Children were exhausted the Elders famished. Eva’s watch ticked and the Clan just wasn’t ready to move out. “Dearie, we are auld unprepared, all auur food auur supplies gone. We have young aunes who need nourishment and in no condition to move anymore. We will need a while to rest.” [color=00aeef]”I’ll get some things, food, milk water? Sound okay?”[/color] As the greying Elder gave a nod Eva popped through a door. While things at the Hero Diner progressed slowly. “We don’t know who ordered the assassination, only that they were not expecting anyone with powers or abilities.” Rosie said as she looked at the files they had on the would be Hitman. “This one is average, skilled but not equipped to deal with heroes. Any normal person would be a fairly easy target.” Mulling around between organizing the anti Hound watch and response force and the matter of a attempted murder Rosie was nowhere near able to dedicate heroes to this matter, that was until American Rocket returned slipping off his flight jacket. “Afternoon Rosie, a cuppa joe for me and our new friend here. Who has something you’d be interested in.” Rosie eyed the gal, aside from the ripped dress and pink locks the girl seemed to be average but she knew who she was, “Flower. The Berserker in a Dress. Why is she here?” “Why!? Why you ask, well because my employer knows who put the hit on Eva. Kinda surprising really wouldn’t have guessed. It was the Family, the Mother and Father. Don’t know why but they wanted her out discreetly.” Flower said with a pretty smile despite her roughed up appearance. “And your employer is whom?” Rosie asked thinking there must be a catch. “Someone with money and power. I’m sure you know the Supernatural community is in a tizzy and he wants to restore balance and best way, bring together a team. He wants Eva, as she wields Excalibur. Chance that I'd meet the only person who'd meet the description for the new King of Britain. And chance even more I'd be working for someone wanting to know who that might be.” “Okay, assuming I believe this employer of yours is a kind soul. Discrete is not what I’d call hiring an assassin. I’ve seen plenty of nobles in my day, rich folk who play the long game not hire out help to off their kids.” “I know right! But hey boss says it was them, though in this messed up world you never know. Could be clones, evil clones. Or maybe the Father isn’t as smart as he should be; the guy married into the name, weaseled his way in with the daughter and stole her heart. Likely doesn’t have a good bone in his body.” Slipping herself into a chair one could almost forget that she currently acted as a mercenary with the dignified care she showed merely taking a seat. “But I could use a drink before we continue. Got any brandy?” Rosie narrowed her eyes and spoke calmly. “Have an ID?” --- Elsewhere --- [color=fff200]”She isn’t ready, it’s too soon for her to take the trial.”[/color] [color=92278f]”Perhaps but she needs to, she is of no use to me as she currently is. For now make preparations to meet the Lady.”[/color] With a grave tone Arthur snapped back.[color=fff200]”I had a lifetime to prepare, I held a sword before I could run. This could kill her.”[/color] [color=92278f]”Not of my concern. If she cannot fulfill her role then we may be all doomed by the coming threat.”[/color] [color=fff200]”Not your destroyer of worlds again, last I checked the two Speedsters clocked his hide out of orbit.”[/color] [color=92278f]”And.”[/color] Merlin stood feet hovering in mid air as if there were ground firmly beneath her feet, watching Eva exit a mini mart. [[color=92278f]”It’ll be back I know it.”[/color] As the Sun set those who slept at Alistair’s Mansion awaited the sun’s passing once again the warriors prepared as Eva and the young snoozed away the night. And with the rising sun of the new day they were finally ready to depart, all holled up in a large pack Eva had brought from home. With a single step she saw a neighborhood and a home before her; paper in hand she read over the adress one last time and stepped up to the door. [color=00aeef]”This is it. Hide yourselves.”[/color] Eva said as she secured the straps and raised a hand to knock.