When even more guards showed up, Kai knew that it would be even more difficult to escape. The soldiers that had poured out of the carriage had taken him by surprise, and he was not sure if there were anymore still left inside waiting to join the fight. He could not keep up with all these guards swinging at him forever. He had to slow them down since he could not get out of the battle just yet. Stealing a quick glance at Isago, Kai saw the man run into an alleyway, presumably in an attempt to lose the guard he had been fighting. Another idea then clicked into his mind when he saw that one of the guards had his back to the front of the carriage. The guard swung at the boy once, and he ducked down to avoid the attack. This lead the guard to attempt a strike at his legs. Kai then acted quickly, putting his foot onto the blade of the soldier's sword and stepping up onto his shoulder before he could let go of the weapon. Using the guard as a stepping stool, Kai managed to grab hold of edge above him and pull himself back up onto the caravan roof. He was safe for the time being. Even if any of the soldiers below attempted to pursue him, he would have ample time to attack. In addition, he would already be on the carriage should the man in white decide to ride off with it at any time. [@FalkiThomas] [@King Tai] [@Sleeth] [@KatherinWinter] [@SantosGabriel77]