The thief raced across the sands, sparks flew from his hobnail boots as they struck fist sized rocks in his desperate haste. Behind him the Ghuls snapped and howled two or three paused to tear at the fallen bandits, slicking their muzzles in blood as they tore into the soft vicera of their victims, sharp teeth rending and tearing at yielding flesh. Amira stood quickly her lovely features disapproving as her fish fell untouched into the dirt. “For the love of Allah,” the fleeing thief shrieked, his voice several octaves higher than normal due to terror and exhaustion. As he screamed the leading Ghul leaped onto his back knocking him sprawling into the circle of firelight. The beast howled in triumph but the beastial screech was cut off before it could tear open its preys back as Rhaak kicked it hard in the face, sending blood and teeth flying from its ruined muzzle. The squeals of dying men and the stink of blood and ruptured intestines was heavy on the air and Amira sensed more of the predators circling in the darkness. She knelt in the sand and began to sketch with a slender finger tip still frowning gently. The sword the thief had been carrying, his fear addled mind hadn't allowed him even the control to drop the weapon, was now in Rhaak’s hand slashing and stabbing. Scrambling to his feet the ragged thief pulled a long wicked knife from his waistband and delivered a backhanded cut across the eyes of another of the attackers as it tried to blindside the pit fighter. Bestial howls split the night as more of the creatures closed in, confident in their dog like minds that the pack would be able to drag down the few surviving humans. [@POOHEAD189]