Rhaak moved with a deadly precision, chopping and severing Ghul limbs and spines. Moving as if he had one hundred eyes and the strength of a bull. He sidestepped a leaping Ghul, the apparition instead finding a blade to meet it, the momentum of its hurtling body causing it to be sliced in twain. Rhaak crushed another's skull with a mighty stomp, and though he was bleeding from a dozen different cuts, he destroyed the five remaining monsters in moments, protecting Amira, and by happenstance the frightened bandit. The man watched Rhaak in awe, thinking the skilled man stupid until he destroyed the last of the Ghuls, to which he then thought of Rhaak as a brave Mamluk or a Eunech servant, for who else could fight with such valor? "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me, praise Hayashim!" He cried, prostrating himself at the feet of the cooly imperious Amira, lathering her feet with kisses before she rebuked him of such nonesense. "I am your humble servant!" the man named Ma'kum claimed, a wet spot on the sand revealing his soiled trousers. His thoughts spoke as well. Images of a tomb's entrance among the hills, and the hopes of treasure and power beyond measure hidden. Rhaak returned with a bloodied Scimitar, and he knelt down somewhat more nobly beside the man, announcing the threat is now slain, and asking if he could then now proceed to finish his meal. [@Penny]