What you wrote is perfect, [@Burning Kitty]. To have one slit his throat would be to introduce a new weapon. There were plenty of bullets passing to and fro in your encounter. [@BrokenWashing] I caught up with the reading. It might be a good opportunity for me to post. I don't know where you want to go wtih the story. I assumed we were all supposed to be taken in by the Defiance Project, which explains why I wrote what I wrote. It appears most folks are dragging the whole "snatch and grab" portion out a bit much. Not sure of the [i]goons[/i] in Burning Kitty's post are going to be successful. I wasn't planning on fighting back. I was expecting us to move on to the next part of the story. I may just not post until you get to the part where we all find out what the Defiance Project is all about.