[img]https://i.imgur.com/UAfw9j9.png[/img] If the solution was as simple as a "rollback", [@KoL], that would have already happened, but Mahz needs more time to identify what's actually causing the problems and that's hard (and undesireable) when you're on vacation. EDIT: Actually, I can't speak for Mahz concerning the future of the Guild, so let me just put it another way. Nobody else has root access or even knows [i]how[/i] to work on the Guild because that's been Mahz's modus operandi forever. It's his pet project. That doesn't mean he doesn't take the Guild seriously; he knows how important this site is to a lot of people. But, for the time being, let the man enjoy his holiday. He'll fix the problems when he can. I don't think anyone knows this but the Guild was initially created more than 10 years ago as nothing more than a place for Mahz and his friends to RP. It's obviously grown since then but I think it's important for everyone to take a deep breath and a step back during times like these and gain a little perspective.