[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [/center] Ferrin's muscles tensed and twitched. He nearly threw his assalaint before he relized it was just Patrick. Ferrin breathed deply and slowly let it out, feeling adrenaline pumping through his veins. He nearly hurt someone again because of his power. [color=silver]*[i]Get a grip, Ferrin.[/i]*[/color] Ferrin looked back to Patrick with smile on his scarred face. [color=silver]"Thank you for your kind words. But I am fine. I will find a way, and this world can not stop me."[/color] He tunred forward, chin up and back straight, radiating confidence. [color=silver]"And for future reference, do not grab me from behind again, I almost tossed your ass into a wall.[/color] Ferrin chuckled as her turned to go and lifted an arm in a gesture of farewell. [color=silver]"I'm going to go freshen up, I just go back from a job and I want to at least take a bath and get a bite to eat before I head out to Tenrou."[/color] He seemed back to his old self again. [@Caits]