Barris, surprised by Talis’ information that the Viceroy was murdered, and taking a look at the various individuals in the room with him, was also perplexed that this was the job he was being asked to do. He doubted this was the case, unless the Talons had some prophets in their business, or were tipped off, he doubted they planned for the Viceroy to die and then for them to arrive at the right time to then investigate it. Lucilia stroked her chin as a man with a beard would if he were in deep thought, wondering what exactly would be the best course of action in this situation. [color=lightgray]”It would seem we have many things to investigate. Too many things for a single group of people. We’ll need to split up to cover more ground,”[/color] the noblewoman commented turning her head to the window before letting out a sigh. Splitting up was never a good idea, though perhaps she simply read too many books, not that mystery was a genre she cared much about. The armored woman rose from her seat and looked over the group, "[color=lightgray]I will investigate the office, the last known location of when Caldwin and Cadby were together.”[/color] She turned and began walking towards the door, flourishing her cape as she had turned from the group. [color=lightgray]”Anyone who wishes to accompany me may do so.[/color]" “[color=lightblue]Pardon the interjection my sweet lady, but you’d likely be best placed on a different duty.[/color]” Raux hadn’t taken the time to sat down. She rubbed at her neck with one hand, and even made a small gesture as if she was tugging on a collar. In the other, she held a mug of coffee. Perhaps not the best, but it did help relieve some of the stress. “[color=lightblue]You’re quite a loud person! Too loud in fact! With an ego of such magnitude to choke a dragon should they take a bite! You’ll not go unnoticed, sweetheart. Likely, with the lack of subtlety you’ll scare away our dear special interest.[/color]" The brith took a long slurp from her tankard and placed it on a nearby table. "[color=lightblue]Mmm yesss yes, you’ll better be of service with a minstrel by your side. Perhaps looking for something else that can forward our cause.[/color]” Noticing an exchange of glares between the motley crew Talis was quick to intrude. “[color=fdc68a]Before any of you lot go off on your lonesome you’re gonna need this if you want anyone to give you information.[/color]” From her satchel Talis pulled out a small pouch. Pulling on the strings of the pouch with one hand the small container danced lazily in the palm of her other. Upon opening the bag the elf retrieved five leather badges. An emblem, taking shape of a golden sparrow, was emblazoned on its front. “[color=fdc68a]These will get you access to a good amount of places in the city, but it might also make others wary of ye. Everyone loves to talk about things they hardly understand.[/color]” Talis eyed the group who all seemed to get on as well Orcs and magic. That is to say, not at all. The city elf threw one of the badges towards Lucilia, and placed the rest on the bar beside her. “[color=fdc68a]Just don’t go mucking everythin’ up.[/color]” Lucilia caught the badge and gave it a glare before she walked towards the exit of inn. In step with her associate Raux looked down to the Badges with a raised brow and took one for herself. “[color=lightblue]Right, cuz hoppin and flashin out association with a guild known for some shady practices is within our best interest of longevity and consequences.[/color]” The cat sighed as she slipped the badge into a pocket in her coat. Barris was stupefied still when the Lady Wolfram just walked up and presumed to start walking on to business like it was next logical thing to do. Then again, he was also the one to have not met the others, he supposed, but even also assumed it was the Lady’s arrogant attitude again. He scratched his head and poured over the options in his head. He decided to get the easy move out of the way first. “[color=lightgreen]Well you can count me out for that one, your Ladyship. I wager the killer’s not there, and I already got my fill of stuffed shirts when I was younger, no need for me in the dearly departed Viceroy’s offices.[/color]” As if to be contrarian Lucilia ignored the concerns of her allies. Having made up her mind it seemed impossible to stop her. She swiftly pushed out of the tavern giving not a word more on the matter. Barris raised his eyebrows at the Lady’s behaviour, but the Dwarf said nothing and just threw his hands up to lay them back on the table he sat by in exasperation. Raux brushed off Lucilia's coldness. She looked to Barris with pursed lips. “[color=lightblue]Oh honey, oh baby! I am a minstrel! I could tell you tales straight up to your death bed if you dare bring such a curse upon yourself![/color]” Meanwhile, Falk eyed the bearded dwarf with a look of surprise. His offhand comments suggested noble, roots, though the dwarf didn’t strike the hunter as one with royal blood. Save for the case of Lady Wolfram, most nobles didn’t go gallivanting about in the service of strange companies; even [i]her[/i] reasons were likely dubious. Falk couldn’t help but scoff at the cat’s remark however. The bard’s appearance alone was louder than the clocktower ringing midnight, and the same applied to her boisterous voice. Lady Wolfram certainly had a commanding presence, but in Falk’s experience, this was expected of nobles. Commoners like herself, bard or not, would be walking into a lion’s den as a particularly loud fawn should she try and waltz into the viceroy’s office. After receiving their badges, Wolfram stormed out altogether, leaving the rest still in their seats. Not wanting to be the last one loafing about, Falk took action and said,[color=burlywood] “I’m going to have a word with the embalmer. You, beardless dwarf. Follow me,”[/color] the hunter pointed a gloved hand to Gadria and stood up and strode off, giving a wave without turning back to his companions. The city’s guild was filled with strange wizards and mages, so Falk wouldn’t have too hard of a time blending in, but the company was welcome. Aria had, as Falk had been doing, been sitting back and observing rather than trying to inject herself into the conversation. The domineering and clashing personalities of the stuck up Lady and the fearless alley cat made this exceptionally easy. She’d even managed to wander off to get a drink unnoticed while the two bickered/flirted and had been casually sipping at a weak cider (she didn’t trust city water) when the masked figure lurched to life and decided she was coming with him to look at a dead body. On the one hand it was very rude, on the other he pushed all of the right buttons to get her curiosity piqued. Feigning disinterest, partially because it was the opposite of what she was really feeling and partially because it was in Gadria’s MO, she responded to Falk with a simple: [color=silver]“Eh, sure, why not”[/color] Aria casually put down her mug, grabbed one of the badges and wandered out after Falk into the street beyond. She gave a casual wave back at the cat, elf and real dwarf as she left [color=silver]“catch you all later”[/color] Barris, who had been smirking as he listened to Raux, looked over at Falk and Aria leaving almost as briskly as the Lady, albeit not as impolitely. He gave a mock wave behind them as they went out. “[color=lightgreen]Yea, nice to know yea too, guys. Gods . . .[/color]" There was a pause, Raux’s eyes shifted between the others as they got up to leave, with a sigh she slipped out of her chair and hitched both her longsword and gurdy to her waist before following them. “[color=lightblue]Though I got an idea. No fact is more straightforward than hearing it straight from the victims themselves.[/color]” [hr] Lucilia was well on her way towards the Viceroy Estate. While it was still quite early in the day the fogs that lightly draped the morning streets seemed to give way. In the distance it seemed that many of the citizens were already back to work. Noticing this she sought out the pair patrolling guards stationed near the tavern. [color=lightgray]”I need you to find a boy named Edwin Myer, he has a pot belly, brown eyes and brown hair. Bring him to the Viceroy’s office should you find him.”[/color] The guards exchanged looks with one another for a moment. For an Earl's daughter without jurisdiction here Lucilia seemed intent on routinely barking out orders. Even still they knew better than to question a noble, and especially one that bore the wolf sigil upon their shield. "[color=blue]Yes, m'Lady,[/color]" one of the guards spoke up. She needed nothing more for with that she was off to the office. Their names didn't matter nor their previous instructions. She wanted nothing more than find Caldwin or any evidence that pointed her on the right track, and what she wanted was all that mattered. Especially at a time as dire as this. Back a ways towards the tavern, Falk and Aria found themselves readying to leave for the Academy of Mages. Raux, was in pursuit. Slowly thinking to herself, the Brithian quickly rushed up to Falk’s side and gave him a tug on the shoulder. “[color=lightblue]Listen. That fiasco last night got me worried about our dear lordling. The foolish girl is likely gonna get herself in a situation that gets her killed. This might sound like an odd request, but think you can find someone at the mages guild with a ‘talent’ for speaking with the dead? Only way we’re gonna speed things up here.[/color]” Falk had almost made his way out the tavern when the Brithian caught up. He quickly jerked away from her touch and spun around to face her, his posture less than friendly. The hunter relaxed after a moment though and heard what she had to say. [color=burlywood] “[b]The academy doesn’t look too favorably on necromancy, but I’m sure I could find some snot-nosed student who dabbles in it,[/b]”[/color] he replied. [color=burlywood] “Good luck.”[/color] With that, Falk and Aria left the near-empty tavern as they parted ways with the brith who seemed determined to catch up with Lucilia. [hr] . . . The only one left in the tavern besides Talis, Barris just watched Raux go last and chuckled while shaking his head, before standing up himself and grabbing his badge, he nodded to the elf. “[color=lightgreen]Nice crew we got here. Consider me on the case of that guard.[/color]” Talis was trying her best to conceal her laughter as she leaned on the edge of the bar the shape of a small but sturdy dwarf brushing past her in mild annoyance. Mikael was typically quite diligent with selection his agents, but this crew of "heroes" seemed likely to murder each other before ever finding the murderer of the dear Viceroy. She looked to Mira who gave her a weak shrug in defeat. The dwarf walked back upstairs towards his room, muttering to himself. “[color=lightgreen]Fuck this, I’m not going running asking about a murder with two pistols and my nightclothes on. Nobody wants to know each other? Fine, but Stone Mother damn me if I’m rushing to potential danger in my linen and not even half a brace.[/color]” . . .