The Sci-Fi battle between IN and GS. Set on a space station! Important Nobody will be doing the intro post. We will be using an SS13 station layout as our map. Boxstation! I will get a picture of it up soon, as well as my Character.[hider=The Map!] [img=] [/hider] [hider=Simplified Map][img=] So, those two yellow bits on Leisure, science and storage. Those are Solar Panels. And the orange dots in engine, security and arrivals. Those are escape pods. [/hider] [hider=Rocky Ram][b][u]Take note that this is the first Arena character I have ever made, I am unsure if it is good, I am also glad I finished it as it took many hours. It also might lack in detail from what I know.[/b][/pu] [b]Name:[/b] Rocky Ram [b]Age:[/b]43 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Appearance:[/b] His attire would be a brand new black suit, laced shoes, dark used armor over his suit and a gas mask. Other then this he is a strong and muscled individual, a black goatee and cut hair. He is missing his index finger on his left hand, and has a prosthetic right arm with his name Christians into it. [b]Personality:[/b] A very happy and talkative man, even when speaking with an enemy, he will talk to them like close friends. And even when dying or injured beyond fixing he will gladly have a smile on his face and skip in his step. He can of course be serious, but only when he needs to and is likely to avoid seriousness. He won't kill a man if it is not needed, though that is not to say he won't at all, is it is in his way or in the way of what he is doing. If what he is doing requires for him to do something he usually wouldn't like to do, he will do it no doubt. He is although, extremely impatient and if something is taking much to long or longer then it should he is likely to get agitated or angry. [b][u]Abilities[/b][/u] [b]Physical Abilities:[/b] What he loses in speed he makes up with extreme strength and brute force, though he can't negate the damage of strong hits, he can shrug them off momentarily. He can lift up up to 100 pounds, but when using his added strength with his prosthetic he can lift 1 ton of weight. [b]Mapped[/b] He, uses his free time to construct or find maps of areas or places. This gives him a way to easily get around most of the areas he is in, though doesn't work for forests, deserts, or general places., [b]Dirty Fighter[/b] When faced with a much stronger opponent will resort to tactics unheard of, such as biting and scratching. [b][u]Weapons[/bpEnergy Sword[/b] A purple scimitar like sword of pure energy. [b]Small Laser Pistol[/b] A small portable pistol, firing a green laser at about the same distance as a handgun. Can fire up to 5 shots before needing to recharge. [b]C4 charge[/b] A single breaching C4 charge. Used mainly for blowing the hinges off of locked doors as to gain access. [b][u]Weaknesses[/b][/u] *He isn't very fast, his running speed could be compared to that of a jogger. He is also not well with ranged combat, likely to miss many times before he hits. Prolonged exposure to being injured will over time slow him to a crawl. ie if you gave him a small cut or burn and he left it untreated for an hour or so it would begin to slow him and effect how he does things. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] Rocky was a ruffian as a kid, often fighting with the neighbors kids a lot, or getting into general trouble. Throughout his life things got slower and slower and slower until it came to a halt, and he got tired of things. This made him make a few somewhat stupid life decisions to get in the pirate business. For many years he rode in a small group of thieves and murderers, until finally he decided to go it alone and do things he wanted to do, mainly capturing stations, looting them, and then leaving them. But he is often to head off to a planet of some kind to accomplish this.[/hider]