[center][color=#d3381c][h3]~Claire Blackwood~[/h3][/color][/center] [@PlatinumSkink] [hider=Current Team] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/ralts.gif[/img] Ralia, Ralts Level: 14 Status: 100% [img]http://www.pokewiki.de/images/a/a0/Pok%C3%A9monsprite_165_Platin.png[/img] Ritz, Ledyba Level 13 Status: 100% [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c2/Spr_5b_415_f.png[/img] Lure, Combee Level 12 Status: 100% [img]https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a5/Spr_5b_015.png[/img] Del, Beedrill Level 12 Status: 100% [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 1180P Antidote x1 Great Ball x6 Super Potion x3 pokeball x1 Focus Band x1 Power-Up Punch Badge Collection: Challenge Badge - Redcoast Town, Hector. Minor League. [/hider] [hr] The trip to the pokemon center was a short one, with Claire's usual gusto. She didn't linger long past getting her pokemon healed. Not to mention she was now soaked from the rain, and [i]really[/i] wanted that umbrella. So as soon as her pokemon were healed she made her way to the mart. Boy, everything was expensive. Or maybe she was just broke? Probably that. [color=#d3381c]"Hmm...see anything you want girl?"[/color] Claire asked Ralia, picking up an umbrella from the rack where they were kept. [color=#d3381c]"I need some more pokeballs...hmm..."[/color] Great balls would be good, but they're so expensive! She could use a few potions too. Well, she didn't need any revives and she already had an antidote from earlier so she could scratch those off the list. Repels? And who would need repels! She laughed in the face of danger! Nope, no repels and escape ropes here! ...come to think of it how did escape ropes work anyways? Oh well. Didn't really need any other status recovery items either. [color=#d3381c]"Well, let's get some Great Balls and a few super potions."[/color] In the end she ended up buying six great balls and three super potions. Now that her small shopping spree was over with. [color=#d3381c]"So!"[/color] She confidently turned to Anise. [color=#d3381c]"Lead the way to Mt. Strength!"[/color]