"How the heck was I supposed to know?!" Ghent moved back, flinching at the brandished sword. He hated it when Elayra wielded anything sharp. Which was always. "You guys should've warned me!" At the mention of allergies, he cocked a brow and sniffled once to make sure his nose wasn't running. It wasn't, but his throat still felt scratchy after hauling William around. [i]Dumb cat.[/i] "J-just calm down, okay?! Maybe he won't remember what happened," Ghent offered weakly, his troubled gaze flickering to the unmoving figure. The mere thought of Drust waking sent a cold shiver down his spine. Just as Ghent started to wonder if they were better off leaving the man, Elayra mentioned the Safe Zone. The name itself was like a breath of fresh air, and he nodded to show he understood and wholeheartedly agreed. "I like that idea," Ghent told her, watching as she relieved Drust of his katana. The boy was foolish enough to hope he would be given the weapon, but it was packed away into the very bag he envied. “What about me?” Ghent hated being unarmed, especially with the possibility of Drust waking up. “Don’t I get something?” As if to answer his question, Elayra had tossed him her pack. [i]That’s not what I meant.[/i] Ghent caught the pack by one of the straps. When in hand, he was surprised by how light it was compared to what he carried. Slipping out of his backpack, Ghent stiffened when the threat reached his ears. “I won't lose it,” he mumbled quickly, irked that Elayra thought him to be that incompetent. Dropping the backpack to the ground with a soft thud, Ghent crouched down next to it and brought Elayra’s pack with him. Until that moment, he hadn’t realized how badly he was trembling. His hands shook uncontrollably as he found the flap, pulling the material back to allow him a glimpse inside. To Ghent's disappointment, there wasn't much to see. The opening of pack resembled the mouth of a cave; dark and uninviting. He was tempted to try getting a better look, but didn’t dare with Elayra standing a few feet away. Still shaking, Ghent pulled his backpack closer and attempted to shove it inside of the pack. The grinning skulls seemed to taunt him as his efforts were in vain. The backpack was too wide. Undaunted, Ghent unzipped the backpack and shuffled a few items around. After that was done, he set the backpack on the ground and pushed down on it to help flatten the contents. Satisfied that the appearance was slimmer, Ghent tried again. It took some effort and a bit of twisting and turning, but the pack finally accepted his belongings. "Well, that's done..." Ghent didn't have time to be amazed, he was too busy worrying about Drust waking up. He slung Elayra's pack over his shoulder, looking disapprovingly at the pack she swapped hers for. Rather than comment, he turned his attention to the knight. Moving him wasn't going to be easy. "Er..." Ghent glanced sideways at the girl. "You wouldn't happen to have a spell that would make him a little lighter, would you?"